Νεοελληνική πεζογραφία - Διήγημα - Μεταφράσεις στα αγγλικά

A Rainbow Tangled up

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

Urania, the rainbow fairy, was feeling very tired. A sudden rain shower down to Mani, then another up in Xanthi and she was running to unfold the rainbow ribbons from side to side. But apart from the distance that she had to cover, she had at the same time to cope with the caprices of every ribbon! However, she saw a gold gentle cloud and she decided to rest.

And Tomorrow is Now

Ρώμη (2016)

Betsy Lost

Κέδρος (1996)

What happens when three young lawyers set off at night into unknown parts of town in search of a stolen motorcycle? What happens when Minas visits a gay bar together with his uncle, the general - no stranger to the place it seems - or ends up in bed with Gia? When Petros, enjoying an evening away from his wife and kids, finds himself in the company off Soulis, handsome bike thief and sometime catamite? Or when poor Stelios is strapped to a lie detector cum personality analyser at the American base? And what about the adventures of the pack of stray dogs roaming around th...


Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

The Chimera was an ancient monster. It was composed of three animals, a lion, a snake and a goat. Nowadays by the term "Chimera" we usually mean something unattainable and distant. This short story collection deals with this theme. Anything that is unattainable becomes a matter of fantasy and a matter of desire. All the history of literature is a synecdoche of human craving for the invisible part of the world. But, as some philosophers claim, that invisible part may not even exist...

Fey Folk

Αιώρα (2013)

"Οι ελαφροΐσκιωτοι" είναι ένα χαρακτηριστικό διήγημα του Παπαδιαμάντη. Οι ήρωές του είναι γραφικοί, απλοί άνθρωποι, που ζουν ταπεινά, με τις παραδόσεις, τα ήθη και τα έθιμα αιώνων. Ο Παπαδιαμάντης τούς περιγράφει ευλαβικά αλλά και με χιούμορ. Το φυσικό τοπίο της γενέτειράς του, της Σκιάθου, αποτελεί το σκηνικό του διηγήματος. Η μεθυστική βλάστηση, οι λόφοι, οι πηγές και τα φαράγγια ήταν ιδανικοί τόποι για να φωλιάσουν οι δοξασίες και τα πνεύματα, η πίστη στο υπερφυσικό, στοιχεία που βρίσκονται βαθιά χαραγμένα στη συνείδηση των θεοσεβούμενων, κατά τα άλλα, ανθρώπων. H έκδ...

First Pages

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

First Pages: dark feelings come to light, a confession before the end, forbidden dreams, trips, nightmares, personal and financial impasses, disappointment, fear, pain... All enclosed in this book. Nine stories, each one enlightening actions and situations of people hating, loving, separating, falling in love, yearning, disappointing, travelling, going insane, freaking out, despairing and hoping...

Kalamas and Acheron

Κέδρος (1996)

That is Acheron? A river in the north-west of Greece, in Epirus, which, in ancient Greek mythology, was the boundary between life and death. What is Kalamas? It too is a river, in the same region, which Byron associated with the Acheron in "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", and History, after a hundred and fifty years was to give it, and in a dramatic way, the same meaning. What is "Kalamas and Acheron"? A cycle of stories, closely connected, which can be read as a novel, where the two rivers become the boundary not only between life and death, but also between human passions...

Love in the snow

Δόμος (1993)

Moskov Selim

Αιώρα (2015)

Georgios Vizyenos (1849-1896) is one of Greece’s best-loved writers. "Moskov Selim" is set in Thrace, a corner of Europe where Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria meet. Selim is a Muslim name, yet "Moskov" implies that he is a Russian. Vizyenos’ fascinating and moving story is set during a time of constant wars between Russians and Turks whose outcome would decide the future of south-east Europe: Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria were becoming independent of the Ottoman empire, while Greece was to gain huge territories at the empire’s expense. Although Istanbul would remain in Turkey,...

Nineteen Poems. Six Short Stories

Γαβριηλίδης (2015)

Don't look for me here I am after the comma beyond the full stop Below below after the end I am the beginning, the void's womb

Poetry on Papyrus

Βήτα Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις (2016)

The microscopic creature named Max lives in a strange melancholic village and he is able to open and shut his chest with a key, to take his heart in and out of it. A white Renault on Athens to Korinthos highway is followed from a mystery figure in a Volvo, while at some point Ophelia appears. A dwarf is having a discussion with a woman in Exarchia. The dull light besides the orange tree shows the gate to an exciting journey to the deep unconsciousness. The strange and distinguish essays of the current collection remind of a net that is created slowly, patiently and secre...

Refugee Capital

Κέδρος (1997)

Yorgos Ioannou's "Refugee Capital: Thessaloniki Chronicles" shines a harsh, ironic, yet compassionate light on his birthplace, the city of Salonica. The human geography and consciousness of which were indelibly marked by the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees from Asia Minor in the 1920's. In the prose pieces and essays that make up Refugee Capital their story is told, often through the eyes of an adolescent narrator recreated by a writer at the peak of his powers. Yorgos Ioannou sets out to rescue the enduring from the clutches of the ephemeral, to reconcile t...


Δωδώνη (2019)

Selana is architecturally arranged to reflect the phases of the moon as it waxes and wanes and reveals different perspectives of a woman's life. In the span of thirteen stories orbiting around the moon, Chloe Veriti introduces women as an extension of the universe, the cavities and curves of their bodies masterfully alluding to the earth's hills and caves and wells. None of the women described here is like the other and yet they mystically contain each other along a hereditary line of familiar physical pain, words that can only reverberate in the lunar landscape of the mind...


Δωδώνη (2020)

Selana is architecturally arranged to reflect the phases of the moon as it waxes and wanes and reveals different perspectives of a woman's life. In the span of thirteen stories orbiting around the moon, Chloe Veriti introduces women as an extension of the universe, the cavities and curves of their bodies masterfully alluding to the earth's hills and caves and wells. None of the women described here is like the other and yet they mystically contain each other along a hereditary line of familiar physical pain, words that can only reverberate in the lunar landscape of the mind...

Short Stories

Δίαυλος (2019)

A Greek writer and his bad English, Thomas Aquinas and puns, badly written Python code and the USSR, Wittgenstein and Norwegian huts, supply, demand, and the East End, Tesco Pasta and Zurich. Gogol Bordello and a city that does not remember everything. Going Byzantine in Montpellier, naughty playwriters in Scandinavia, businessmen lost in Amsterdam. The Sicelian problem of reference, the coffee that tasted like a banana. Catalunya mistaken for Spain, heaven and hell mistaken for Southern California. Metternich, the bastard. Α Greek rivalry and the discovery o...

The bicycle and the air balloon

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

An old bike and an air balloon, strangers to each other, take life into their own hands and decide to discover the world. They each travel their own way and discover different things. However, one unforeseen event forces the bicycle to stop its course. It all seems like its journey has come to an end, until it meets the air balloon.

The Blues of Love on Rhodes

Ιδιωτική Έκδοση (2013)

The crying guitar

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

The strongest desire a guitar can have is to play music. However, this is not so easy for a defective guitar. She starts her adventure in a musical instrument store, she goes for a while at the conservatory, she meets a damaged stove, an old refrigerator and other strange objects, and finally she ends up in a dumpster. Everything shows that she has the same destiny as the garbage. Or not?

The fairy of Mani

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

The Fairy of Mani lives in the caves of Inner Mani and Oitylo but her favourite beach is Porto Cayo, located in the southern neighbourhood of Cape Tainaron. From centuries, the summers you will find her hang about there. Sometimes she stands nailed on the tall rocks, at others she basks in Armenopetra, scanning the ships which sail timidly around Cape Maleas, and sending fortunate words and smiles. Most of the times, though, she is lost into the blue waters, transforms into mermaid, finds home in the sea bottom and saunters on the earth at nights.

The Notary

Αιώρα (2017)

Ο "Συμβολαιογράφος" (1855) είναι το καλύτερο αφήγημα του Αλέξανδρου Ρίζου Ραγκαβή: διαδραματίζεται στην Κεφαλονιά τη δεύτερη δεκαετία του 19ου αιώνα και αναβιώνει την κεφαλονίτικη κοινωνία της εποχής με μια ιστορία δολοπλοκίας, αγωνίας και ερωτικού πάθους, στην οποία οι ήρωες συγχέουν τα όρια ανάμεσα στο "καλό" και στο "κακό". Για τον νεοελληνιστή Roderick Beaton αυτή η "ρεαλιστική ιστορία δολοπλοκίας, αγωνίας και ρομάντζου", μπορεί άνετα να συμπεριληφθεί στην ομάδα εκείνη των μυθιστορημάτων των Collins και του Poe "και μεταξύ των πρώτων αστυνομικών μυθιστορημάτων που...

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