Betsy Lost

Betsy Lost

What happens when three young lawyers set off at night into unknown parts of town in search of a stolen motorcycle? What happens when Minas visits a gay bar together with his uncle, the general - no stranger to the place it seems - or ends up in bed with Gia? When Petros, enjoying an evening away from his wife and kids, finds himself in the company off Soulis, handsome bike thief and sometime catamite? Or when poor Stelios is strapped to a lie detector cum personality analyser at the American base? And what about the adventures of the pack of stray dogs roaming around the town that same night, watching the trans-vestites, settling scores with the white cat Gabriel, seeing their old teacher off on his way to the other world? Alexis Panselinos tells us all this and more in a story which is sometimes surreal, always tender, subtle, sad and extremely funny.

Το βιβλίο δεν υπάρχει σε κάποια βιβλιοθήκη

Σχετικά Βιβλία

Η μεγάλη πομπή

Η μεγάλη πομπή

Το στίγμα της εποχής μας

Το στίγμα της εποχής μας

Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη
Ελαφρά ελληνικά τραγούδια

Ελαφρά ελληνικά τραγούδια

243.185 Βιβλία
122.584 Συντελεστές
4.631 Εκδότες
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