Μαγειρική, Ελληνική

Feasting and Fasting in Crete

Κέδρος (2001)

Die Kultur der Olive, Olivenöl


Die Kretische Kochkunst

Καρμάνωρ (2000)

Cucina greca

Ελληνικά Γράμματα (2004)

Avete tra le mani una pratica guida dell' arte culinaria greca. La cucina greca, che costituisce il prototipo della dieta mediterranea, valorizza nel migliore dei modi la freschezza e la genuinita dei prodotti della sua terra. E un libro scritto in chiave molto semplice per chiunque abbia il desiderio di scoprire i segreti di un cibo fresco e salutare e di dolci attraenti dal sapore unico. E tutto questo in maniera facile e veloce.

Cretan Cuisine & Culture

Σαββάλας (2012)

They say you never really get to know a place unless you savour its tastes and smells, nor can you understand its culture unless you mingle with the local people and get acquainted with their way of thinking and their traditions. In Crete this fascinating discovery trip can take you surprisingly far into the past, as the origins of most local dishes and customs are lost in the mists of time. "Cretan Cuisine & Culture" introduces you to the enchanting world of Cretan customs and history and initiates you into the secrets of the world's famous Cretan diet. In this lavishly i...

Cretan Cooking

Καρμάνωρ (1995)

The international scientific researches have proved that Cretan cooking offers people good health and long life. It is based more on the consumption of plenty of olive oil, vegetables, wild greens, pulses and cereals and less on the consumption of meat. Nevertheless, this does not mean that it is lacking in taste. Cretan dishes send forth fine flavours and tastes which can still be felt in the villages of the island. It should be noted that, although in past years, the Cretans ate meat once a week (or even more rarely) and fish a little more often, they still knew how to...

Cephalonian Recipes

Εικών (2007)

This book contains something precious: authentic flavours and beautiful memories. It presents traditional recipes, many of which come straight from the handwritten recipe notebooks of the housewives that were called in the past "Notes for savory dishes and desserts"; recipes faded out by time yet full of tradition, class and enthusiasm for cooking and confectionery: all the features that characterize original Cephalonian cuisine. Apart from the chosen recipes, this specific edition also includes important information on the local customs, the nutritional habits of Cep...

An Odyssey into Greek Cooking

Τερζόπουλος Βιβλία (2004)

Το "An Odyssey into Greek Cooking" σας προσκαλεί σε ένα σαγηνευτικό ταξίδι μέσα από 220 από τις πιο νόστιμες συνταγές της Ελληνικής κουζίνας. Συνταγές κατάλληλες για την καθημερινή μαγειρική αλλά και για ειδικές περιστάσεις για γιορτές - εύκολες, απλές και κατανοητές.

5 Schritte, 1 Geschmack für 6 Freunde

Mystis Editions (2009)

5 Movements, 1 Flavor for 6 Friends

Mystis Editions (2009)

5 gestes, 1 gout pour 6 amis

Mystis Editions (2009)

365 τόποι, 365 γεύσεις

Μίλητος (2007)

Γράφοντας, φωτογραφίζοντας και σχεδιάζοντας αυτό το "365" έμεινε σε όλους μας η επίγευση ενός συναρπαστικού γαστρονομικού ταξιδιού το οποίο έχει ένα και μόνο τελικό προορισμό: την καρδιά της ελληνικής γεύσης! Η τοπική ελληνική κουζίνα και γαστρονομία αποτελεί μέρος ενός αυθεντικού πολιτισμού· ενός πολιτισμού που επικεντρώνεται στην αξιοποίηση συγκεκριμένης διατροφικής κουλτούρας, που είναι άμεσα δεμένη με τα τοπικά προϊόντα, τη γεωγραφία, το κλίμα και τους ανθρώπους. Η ανάδειξη των τοπικών κουζινών είναι μια σχετικά σύγχρονη τάση της παγκόσμιας γαστρονομίας, η οποία μ...

33 ελληνικές συνταγές

Ερμής (1965)

20+1 βραβευμένες ελληνικές συνταγές

Βέφα Αλεξιάδου (2000)

14 Recettes de cuisine grecque

Mediterraneo Editions (2002)

14 Griekse recepten

Mediterraneo Editions (2002)

14 Griechische Rezepte

Mediterraneo Editions (2002)
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