Cephalonian Recipes

Cephalonian Recipes

The Authentic Traditional Recipes from Cephalonia

Κεφαλονίτικες ρετσέτες: Οι αυθεντικές παραδοσιακές συνταγές από την Κεφαλονιά

This book contains something precious: authentic flavours and beautiful memories. It presents traditional recipes, many of which come straight from the handwritten recipe notebooks of the housewives that were called in the past "Notes for savory dishes and desserts"; recipes faded out by time yet full of tradition, class and enthusiasm for cooking and confectionery: all the features that characterize original Cephalonian cuisine. Apart from the chosen recipes, this specific edition also includes important information on the local customs, the nutritional habits of Cephalonians and their renowned local products.

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