Παπαδοπούλου Σοφία 1985-

I Am the Goddess Aphrodite

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

I am Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love. No other woman, mortal or divine, surpasses me in beauty. Hera and Athena once took it in their heads that they were fairer than me, but a handsome young fellow by the name of Paris judged us all and gave me the first prize - a golden apple.

I Am the God Poseidon

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

I am Poseidon. I am the salt on the faces of seafarers, the deep grooves in their hardened hands. I am the love that people feel for the sea. I am also their fear and dread for the mighty waves that rock the boats. I’m not one to boast, but I am a powerful god.

I Am the God Hermes

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

I am the god Hermes, the messenger of the gods. I was born in a cave and on the very first day of my life I accomplished so many feats that other people cannot achieve in their entire lives. I got out of my cradle, walked hundreds of kilometres across the country, fashioned the very first lyre, stole the god Apollo’s cattle and then went back to the cave to sleep. When I grew up I defied Argus, the invincible monster with the hundred eyes.

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