Βιβλία της κατηγορίας Ιστορία

The Greeks and the Black Sea

Πολιτιστική Εταιρεία Πανόραμα (2002)

The Greek World

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2004)

This book does not propose to give a detailed account of the history of the Greeks nor to bring to light new scientific data. Its aim is to present, in a simple and concise way, the history of the Greek world from prehistoric times to the present. It aspires to bring its readers into direct contact with Greek history and Greek culture and evoke feelings of love and respect for the wonderful journey of the Greek nation through time.

The Greek Pontians of the Black Sea

Κυριακίδη Αφοί (2003)

The Greek Pomaks and their Relation with Turkey

Προσκήνιο (1991)

The Greek Minority of Istanbul and Greek-Turkish Relations 1918-1974

Κέντρο Μικρασιατικών Σπουδών (1992)

The Greek Editions of Aldus Manutius and his Greek Collaborators

Άτων (2016)

Την αναγέννηση και διάδοση της ελληνικής και βυζαντινής γραμματείας στη Δύση την οφείλουμε στον Άλδο Μανούτιο και στους στενούς Έλληνες συνεργάτες του: Μ. Μουσούρο, Δ. Δούκα, Ιουστίνο Δεκάδυο και Ιωάννη Γρηγορόπουλο. Από τον εκδοτικό Οίκο του Άλδου και με την επιμέλεια των εν λόγω λογίων κυκλοφόρησαν μνημειώδη έργα, όπως τα Άπαντα του Αριστοτέλη και οι Διάλογοι του Πλάτωνα, αλλά και οι Κωμωδίες του Αριστοφάνη και οι Τραγωδίες των Αισχύλου, Σοφοκλή και Ευριπίδη, όπως και ιστορικά συγγράματα των Ηροδότου, Θουκυδίδη και Ξενοφώντα. Στην παρούσα έκδοση γίνεται λόγος για την...

The Greek Economy 1940-2004

Athens News (2004)

Greece's economic history reflects the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that have bedevilled the country ever since it bacame indepentent in 1832. The road to development has been full of pitfalls such as coups, one fully fledged civil war, several Balkan wars, two World Wars, one devastating occupation, one global crisis, and two outright bankruptcies. These have endowed Greeks with a sense of insecurity of varying intesity. This has led to a deep-rooted conservatism in natoinal economic planning and deep-seated protectionism on the part of industry and workers. Th...

The Greek East and the Latin West

Denise Harvey (2002)

Τhe division of Christendom into the Greek East and the Latin West has its origins far back in history but its consequences still affect Europe, and thus western civilization. Philip Sherrard's study seeks to indicate both the fundamental character and some of the consequences of this division. He points especially to the underlying metaphysical bases of Greek Christian thought, and contrasts them with those of the Latin West; he argues persuasively that the philosophical and even theological differences, remote as they might seem from practical affairs, are symptoms of a d...

The Greek Community of Mazambique

Χαλδαίος Αντώνιος (2015)

Η παρούσα μελέτη αναλύει την ελληνική παρουσία στην Μοζαμβίκη, άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένη με τις γεωπολιτικές ανακατατάξεις στην Αφρική μεταξύ 19ου και 20ου αιώνα. Διερευνά ζητήματα που σχετίζονται με τη διαδικασία και τα στάδια συγκρότησης της διασποράς καθώς και τις πολιτικές και οικονομικές συνθήκες που οδήγησαν στην επιλογή του συγκεκριμένου τόπου εγκατάστασης. Αναλύονται οι θεσμοί που ανέπτυξαν οι Έλληνες, ενώ μελετάται ο τρόπος έκφρασης και το φάσμα δραστηριοποίησης της ελληνικής επιχειρηματικής κουλτούρας. Το βιβλίο αποτελεί αποτέλεσμα έρευνας σε πορτογαλικά, ελληνικά και μ...

The Great Benefactors of Greece

Εκδόσεις Φυλάτος (2018)

All these people whose biographies you are going to read set an example for us all as they represent virtues such as selflessness, generosity and magnanimity. These virtues should act as a beacon of light that will lead us to self-improvement and will also help us understand and love our culture and national heritage, they will contribute to our nation’s preservation and will raise our collective national awareness. Taking into consideration the significance of these people’s actions and their beliefs I decided to research their life and work and to spread this knowledge I...

The Genocide of the Pontian Greeks

Σταμούλης Αντ. (2015)

The Foundation of the Modern Greek State

Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη (1999)

The Fortress Crete

Γιαννίκος Β. - Καλδής Β. (1995)

The Fall of Crete

Ευσταθιάδης Group (1999)

The Eptapyrgion

Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2001)

The Emblematic Municipal Theatre of Piraeus

Μίλητος (2018)

The Eastern Mediterranean Under Ottoman Rule: Crete, 1645-1840

Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης (2009)

The island of Crete was conquered by the Ottomans in the mid-seventeenth century, and was their last significant, and long-lasting, conquest of territory not previously held. Ottoman Crete has in recent years attracted historians’ attention for a number of reasons, among which two particularities related to broader themes in Ottoman history stand out: the institution of private landownership in 1670 in breach of the age-long tradition of the miri (‘state’) land system, and the emergence of a large Muslim population, mainly through the conversion of locals to Islam. The pape...

The Dodecanese

Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη (1997)

The Discovery of the Natural and Historical Treasures of Evia

Ευβοϊκές Εκδόσεις Κίνητρο. Ε. Καλέμη (2001)

This edition is exclusively designed for foreign visitors to our country. We have reduced the subject matter of the corresponding Greek book to include only those subjects which are of interest to the average foreign reader, who wishes to get a complete picture of the location s/he visits without being burdened with details which only concern specialists. We believe that visitors to Greece, some more, some less, are aware of the range and importance of the role, which this country has played in the development of world civilization. They also know the dimension (both met...

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