Η ρωσική πρωτοπορία (1910-1930): Ένα ανολοκλήρωτο σχέδιο

Η ρωσική πρωτοπορία (1910-1930): Ένα ανολοκλήρωτο σχέδιο

Δελφοί, 27-30 Μαρτίου 1996: Πρακτικά συμποσίου

Περιλαμβάνονται τα κείμενα: - Gerard Conio, "Le mur dans l’Avant-Garde Russe: Vecteur ou Limite de l’Utopie? " - Nataliya Adaskina, "'Victories' and 'Defeats' of the Russian Avant-Garde" - Μαρία Τσαντσάνογλου, "Η αισθητική της άρνησης (μια απόπειρα ορισμού της Ρώσικης Πρωτοπορίας)" - Nicoletta Misler, "Inverted Perspective as a National Paradigm: Representations of Space and the Russian Avant-Garde" - John Bowlt, "Artistic Innovation and Military Strategy: the Russian Avant-Garde and the First World War" - Giovanni Lista, "The ‘Art-Action’ of Italian Futurism" - Anatoly Strigalov, "Aims and Methods of Exhibiting Work of Avant-Garde Artists in the USSR (late 1920s - early 1930s) and in Germany (1937-1941). Similarities and Divergences" - Svetlana Djafarova, "Disappearance of Works of the Russian Avant-Garde" - Χάρης Ξανθουδάκης, "Η Ρωσική Μουσική Πρωτοπορία, 1910-1930: από την ουτοπία στην ιστορία" - Jean - Claude Lanne, "De la peinture par les sons au langage d’outre-entendement: L’Utopie poetique de V. Xlebnikov" - Natalia Avtonomova, V. Kandisky, "The Artist and Science (On the question of creative method)" - Vasili Rakitin, "Untitled article" - Zoya Ender, "The creative dispute between B.V. Ender and K.S. Malevich concerning the ‘surplus element’" - Aleksandra Shatskikh, "The political ‘lubok’ of El Lissitzky" - Tatyana Zelyukina, "The George Kostakis Collection and a New Look at the work of artist Gustav Klutsis" - Charlotte Douglas, "Abstraction and Design in the Early 20th century Russia and the West" - Selim Khan - Magomedov, "Constructivism is 75 years old" - Krisztina Passuth, "Russian Constructivism - International Constructivism" - Maria Gough, "Constructivism’s (anti)object" - Νίκη Λοϊζίδη, "Πρωτοπορία: ένα 'ανεκπλήρωτο σχέδιο' χωρίς πιθανή προοπτική" - Michel Makarius, "Suprematisme et Constructivisme, Avant-courriers de l’Abstraction Americaine" - Georgy Litichevsky, "The category of consciousness in contemporary Russian art" - Humbertus Gassner, "The construction of Utopia in Russian Avant-Garde Art" - Paul Wood, "Aesthetics and Revolution: The incompleteness of what? " - Jean - Claude Marcade, "Utopisme ou Prophetisme?" - Olivier Revault d’Allonnes, "Allocution "

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