Ελλάς - Αρχαιότητες - Οδηγοί


Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2003)


Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2003)


Κυκεών Tales (2008)

Historical Notice Tradition records that the first name given to Eleusis was Saisaria; it received the name of Eleusis, signifying "Advent", as an indication of the end of the wanderings of Demeter. Who were the first inhabitants of Eleusis? According to the most ancient traditions, Greece must have been inhabited first by Pelasgians, an agricultural people, who migrated, we are told, from a country to the north of Greece, in the heart of the Balkans. [...]


Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2004)


Mystis Editions (2009)

Scrivere un altro libro, una quida di Festos e degli altri siti archeologici della Creta centro-meridionale, non e superfluo. Tutti I monumenti della Messara sono d'interesse primario e testimoniano dell'importanza di questa regione durante tutte le fasi storiche. Una nuova quida di questi monumenti non e stata edita da oltre 10 anni, mentre gli scavi, le ricerche, gli studi e le pubblicazioni piu recenti hanno aggiunto un gran numero di nuove informazioni. [...] (Dall'introduzione del libro)


Summer Dream Editions (2006)


Summer Dream Editions (2006)

Grecia antica

Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2006)

Grecia Antica

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Grecia Antică

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Grecia Antica

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2009)

Guida archeologica sommaria per tutto il paese. 205 foto a colori. Storia, mito, siti archeologici. L' aspetto dei monymenti piu importanti nell' antichita e oggi

Grecia Antică

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2009)

Ghid arheologic sinoptic pentru intreaga Grecia. 205 fotografii in culori. Istoria, mitul, locurile sapaturilor, archeologice. Imaginea celor mai importante monumente, in antichitate si in zilele noastre.

Grécia Antiga

Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2007)

Guia arqueologico com 26 reproducoes de luxo.

Grécia Antiga

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Grécia Antiga

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2009)

Breve guia arqueologico para todo o pais. 205 fotografias a cor. Historia, mitos, espacos, arquelogicos. A reproducao de imagem dos monumentos mais importantes da antiguidade e de hoje.

Grecia Antigua

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2009)

Breve guia arqueologica del pais. 205 fotografias en color. Historia, mito, sitios, arqueologicos. Imagen h de los monumentos mas importantes en la antiguedad y hoy.

Heritage Walks in Athens

Ελληνική Εταιρεία Περιβάλλοντος και Πολιτισμού (2004)

Τhe eight heritage walks in Athens included in this short volume were prepared by Elliniki Etairia for visitors to the city during the Olympic Games, but can be equally useful for a visit at any other time. Our aim has been to enable visitors to move around exclusively by means of the Metro and walking, thus making it possible to acquaint themselves closely with the monuments and ancient quarters of Athens as they developed over the centuries. Each walk includes, if visitors so choose, a visit to Elliniki Etairia's hospitable home, where they can learn more about issues c...

Het Antieke Griekenland

Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2007)

Een archeologische gids met 26 luxueuze reconstructies.

Het antieke Griekenland

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Het Klooster van Hosios Loukas

Εκδόσεις Hannibal (2018)
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