Ελλάς - Αρχαιότητες - Οδηγοί

Antikens Grekland

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Antikens Griechenland

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2009)

Zusammenfassender fuhrer durch ganz Griechenland. 205 Farbfotografien. Geschichte, mythos, ausgrabungsstatten. Das Aussehen der bedeutendsten Monumente in der Antike und Heute.

Antikes Griechenland

Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2006)

Athen, Sunion, Agina, Korinth, Epidauros, Mykene, Tiryns, Olympia, Delphi, Dodona, Dion, Vergina, Pella, Thessaloniki, Delos, Kreta, Rhodos. Fuhrer mit 26 fabrigen Rekonstructionen

Antikes Griechenland

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)


Explorer (2004)

- Tour the Acropolis of Athens, monument of the World Cultural Heritage. - Tour the Athenian ancient agora step by step, learning the history of the Athenian State, the first democracy of the world. - Learn about Kerameikos, the public cemetery of Athens, and birthplace of Attic ceramics and pottery painting. - Read about the Theatre of Dionysus, the Herodes Atticus Odeion, the Panathenaic Stadium. - Visit the National Archeological Museum, one of the most important museums of the world, as well as the rest of Athenian museums, thus knowing the classical civilization in...


Anagnosis (2002)

The monuments and sites in the centre of Athens are among the most visited and best known in the world. Yet whether it is the Olympic Stadium, the old Parliament Building, or the Acropolis itself, in "Athens: The City" the reader will read new stories and find a fresh perspective on the history (ancient and modern), the myths, legends, folklore and politics of one of the most fascinating cities in the world. This volume includes stories about the Acropolis, Areopagos Hill, Thesion Hill, Pnyx Hill, Museion Hill, the Ilissos Quarter, the Palace Quarter, the Cathedral Quarter...

Athens and Attica Archaeological Outings

Κέδρος (1997)


Anagnosis (2002)

Although Attica is home to more than four million people, nearly half the population of the country, parts of this arid and mountainous region are as untouched as if they lay on its distant borders. To most of the tourists who pass through its airport and seaports, and who stay in Central Athens to visit the famous monuments, this is a genuine terra incognita. In 'Attica' the author has made available some of the rich heritage of history (ancient and modern), legend and tradition, of this fascinating but neglected region.


Toubi's (2005)

[...] Le present guide ne constitue pas un traite scientifique, et ne s'etend pas sur les interpretations des trouvailles archeologiques; son but est d'introduire le profane aux principales caracteristiques de la civilisation minoenne, et de l'aider parallelement a visiter le site archeologique, a recomposer, grace a son imagination personnelle, l'ensemble des installations qui y etaient construites.

Conoscere la antica Grecia

Όραμα (2009)

Attraverso la collana "About Greece", scoprite, conoscete e vivete di persona tutti gli aspetti della Grecia.

Corinth, Mycenae, Tiryns, Epidauros

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

The most important monuments with reconstructions so that the "then" complements the "now". The civilizations that flourished in the Peloponnese from the Mycenaean, Classical, Roman, Byzantine and Frankish periods. Tours of the archaeological sites and their museums.

Corinthe, Mycènes, Tirynthe, Epidaure

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Les monuments les plus importants avec des reproductions afin que le "autrefois" complete le "maintenant". Les cevilisations qui ont prospere dans le Peloponnese a l' epoque mycenienne, classique, romaine, byzantine et franque. Une visite des sites archeologiques et de leurs musees.

Corinto, Micenas, Tirinto, Epidauro

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Reconstrucciones de los monumentos mas importantes de modo que el "ahora" sea completado por el "ayer". Las civilizaciones que florecieron en al Peloponeso en las epocas micenica, clasica, romana, bizantina y durante la ocupacion de los francos. Visita quiada por los sitios arqueologicos y los museos.

Corinto, Micenas, Tirinto, Epidauro

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Os monumentos mais importantes com reproducoes que permitem que o outrora complete o hoje. As culturas que floresceram em Peloponeso desde a epoca micenica, classic, romana, bizantina e franca. Visita a locais arqueologicos e aos seus museus.

Corinto, Micene, Tirinto, Epidauro

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

I monumenti piu importanti con ricostruzioni, in modo che I "allora" completi I "ora". Le civilta che fiorirono nel Peloponneso dall' epoca micenea, classic, romana, bizantina e franca. Visita ai siti archeologici e rispettivi Musei.

Das Antike Messene

Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2002)

Das Kloster Hosios Lukas

Εκδόσεις Hannibal (2018)

Das Minoische Kreta

Toubi's (2005)

Kreta, wo zahlreiche Elemente der europaischen Kultur erstmals in Erscheinung traten, mit architektonischen Monumenten, deren Ausdehnung, Umfang, Reichtum und Geschichte einzigartig sind, mit internationalen Handelsbeziehungen zu allen Volkern der damals bekannten Welt und vor allem zu Altagypten, das zahlreiche Zeugnisse uber die Keftiu bietet, die mit den Kretern identifiziert werden, mit einer Religion, die in jeder Ausserung des alltaglichen Lebens zu erkennen ist, mit Liebe zur Natur, die unter anderem durch die Darstellungen der Pflanzen-, Meeres- und Tierwelt auf den...


Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2007)

La storia del sito sacro di Delfi - presentazione dei monumenti piu importanti con le rispettive ricostruzioni, in modo che l' "allora" completi l' "oggi" - i piu importanti oggetti esposti al museo de Delfi

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