Γάμος - Ορθόδοξη Ανατολική Εκκλησία

Αγάπη και γάμος

Ακρίτας (1995)

Αγάπη και γάμος

Αρμός (1995)

The Law of Marriage and Divorce in the Church of England and the Church of Greece in Recent Times 1850-1980

Βασιλόπουλος Στέφανος Δ. (1992)

On Marriage and Family Life

Παρρησία (2013)

Marriage: A Spiritual Arena

Orthodox Book Centre (2005)

"It is more blessed to give" (Acts 20:35) When you receive, your hands are filled but when you give, your soul is filled. So "it is more blessed to give than to receive". When you sweat for someone else, your body is getting tired but your soul is at rest. Life means 'offering'. Marriage is also an offering. It is a source of life and a source of joy. A candle will not illuminate a room if it does not melt. Incense doesn't become fragrant if it doesn't melt. The same is true of spouses. If they do not 'melt' into their obligations, they will not illumine their marri...

Family Life

Ιερόν Ησυχαστήριον Μοναζουσών "Ευαγγελιστής Ιωάννης ο Θεολόγος" (2012)

With this present volume, we continue the publication of the counsels of the Blessed Elder Paisios with themes on the family and the ordeals people undergo caused by the crisis the institution of family faces in our times. The Elder used to say that the majority of the letters he received were from people who had family problems. He attributed these problems to people having withdrawn from God and to their selfcentreredness. "In the old days," he would say, "life was more peaceful and serene; people had patience. Nowadays, everyone has got a short fuse -people flare up righ...

Christianity and Eros

Denise Harvey (1995)

In spite of the fact that marriage is recognized as a sacrament by the Church, the attitude of Christian thought towards the sexual relationship and its spiritualizing potentialities has been in practice singularly limited and negative. From the start Christian authors have been ill at ease with the whole subject. Sexual activity tended to be seen as a sign of man's sinful and degenerate state and the modern Christian is taught tο distinguish between love in the New Testament sense -agape -and eros, and tο see eros as a debased form of agape, if not actuaIly opposed tο i...

...και έσονται οι δύο εις σάρκα μίαν

Μορφή - Εκδοθήτω (2007)

[...] Με την παρούσα έκδοση επιχειρούμε να προσεγγίσουμε την Ακολουθία του Αρραβώνα και του Γάμου. Τοποθετούμε στην αριστερή σελίδα το κείμενο της Ακολουθίας και στη δεξιά τη μετάφρασή του, στη νεοελληνική γλώσσα. Μετά το προλογικό αυτό σημείωμα και πριν το κείμενο της Ακολουθίας, παραθέτουμε κάποια θεολογικά και ιστορικά στοιχεία για το Μυστήριο, ώστε να αποκτήσει ο αναγνώστης μια πιο σφαιρική εικόνα γι' αυτό. [...] (από τον πρόλογο του βιβλίου)

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