Αγγλική γλώσσα - Σπουδή και διδασκαλία

Grammarworks Junior B

Creative Publishing (2016)

It is based on real class experience by Pollyanna Krachtopoulou & Dimitris Kouroupis Key features - Attractive, appealing design suitable for young learners. - Comprehensive theory boxes in Greek with clear examples and attractive illustrations that facilitate comprehension. - Contains a carefully selected range of activity types to suit different learning styles, specially chosen for the age range of the pupils. - Specifically designed to focus on those areas most likely to cause problems for young learners. - Picture glossary next to each exercise. - Εmphasis on...

The Speaking Skill and Anxiety in Language Learning

Carpe Librum (2016)

As language pedagogy continues to move towards an emphasis on authentic communicative competence and a communicatively oriented classroom, anxiety-provoking threats become higher when students are asked to speak in front of others. This course of events seems natural if we take into account that in foreign language classrooms, the students have to cope with the demands of being able to sustain communication by means of an instrument they are not completely familiar with. Since anxiety is known to have a harmful effect on language learning and performance, a good deal of res...

Theory and Practice of Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Το Δόντι (2015)

Τις βασικές αρχές της διδασκαλίας των αγγλικών ως ξένης γλώσσας περιγράφει ο εκπαιδευτικός Ιάκωβος Τσιπλακίδης στο νέο του βιβλίο με τίτλο "Theory and Practice of Teaching English as a Foreign Language". Παρουσιάζοντας τα νέα δεδομένα στα επιστημονικά πεδία που σχετίζονται με το θέμα (ψυχολογία, γλωσσολογία, νέες τεχνολογίες κ.ά.) το βιβλίο που είναι εξ ολοκλήρου γραμμένο στα αγγλικά έχει δύο βασικούς σκοπούς: Ο πρώτος είναι να προσφέρει μια σύνοψη των σημαντικότερων πρόσφατων ερευνητικών δεδομένων στο πεδίο της διδασκαλίας της αγγλικής γλώσσας και ο δεύτερος είναι να παρο...

Practice tests for the Michigan ECPE (C2)

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2015)

The Teacher’s book contains: - an introduction with information about the ECPE providing a detailed description of each section of the examination - 12 complete tests with overprinted answers - sample answers to the Writing tasks - sample questions in Speaking - full listening transcripts - sample answer sheets - 2 class Audio CDs.

Practice tests for the Michigan ECPE (C2)

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2015)

12 complete practice tests that provide extensive practice in the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE). The Student’s book contains: - an introduction with information about the ECPE providing a detailed description of each section of the examination - 12 complete tests - sample answers to the Writing tasks - glossary with definitions and examples - sample answer sheets.

Challenging Primary School Children to Learn English

Σπανίδης (2015)

Writing, écriture, scrittura

Τζιόλα (2015)

Αντικείμενου του βιβλίου αυτού είναι η παρουσίαση κειμένων στην ελληνική, αγγλική, γαλλική και ιταλική γλώσσα που εξειδικεύονται στου τομείς των ανθρωπιστικών και κοινωνικών επιστημών, καθώς επίσης της αρχιτεκτονικής και της χωροταξίας. Τόσο στον τομέα της αγγλικής, όσο της γαλλικής και της ιταλικής γλώσσας, πέραν του εξειδικευμένου εννοιολογικού περεχομένου και λεξιλογίου, στο παρόν πόνημα, έχει δοθεί προτεραιότητα στο να γίνονται αναφορές σε κείμενα του οικείου πολιτισμού, όπου αυτό ήταν δυνατό. [...] Το βιβλίο αυτό απευθύνεται κυρίως σε φοιτητές της τριτοβάθμιας εκ...

English Speaking Theatre

Andy's Publishers (2014)

This book will help you to develop your students’ personalities through drama courses. It is in fact a diary kept during an after-school program run in the 1st High School of Kallipolis called: "English Speaking Theatre". Most theatrical games and activities mentioned in the book can also be used during the regular English courses to develop the students’ emotional intelligence, which is as important as teaching English. There are also 5 complete theatrical plays. Happiness in class is something that schools strive for! Humor and positive activity are the factors which m...

Magic Book 2: A1 Level Student's book for the 3rd Grade

Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών και Εκδόσεων "Διόφαντος" (2014)

Magic Book 2: A1 Level Activity Book for the 3rd Grade

Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών και Εκδόσεων "Διόφαντος" (2014)

Different Ways of Motivating an Upper-Intermediate State High School ELT Class

Σπανίδης (2013)

Το βιβλίο αυτό απευθύνεται σε εκπαιδευτικούς Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και μαθητές Γυμνασίου-Λυκείου. Περιέχει κίνητρα μάθησης για την βελτίωση γλωσσικής κατάρτισης στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα.

Teaching English in a Public School

Andy's Publishers (2013)

Get your class excited! All the games and fun activities you need to keep your students full of energy and interest in English. Plus, lots of tips to organize your class and differentiate your teaching. Even original short theatrical plays you can put on with your students are to be found in this really helpful book. Best of all, everything in the book has been practiced by the authors in real class situations and has been found to work!

English for Fine Arts Studies

University Studio Press (2013)

Our Voices are Valuable

Σπανίδης (2013)

Commercial Correspondence

Φαίδιμος (2013)

The book aspires to provide an essential guide for writing correct and effective business letters and emails. It can be a useful tool both for professionals whose success depends on effective communication and business writing and students of Business Administration, Economics and Management who can gain useful insights and information that will enable them to write clear and concise letters for every situation they may encounter in the workplace.

English for Advanced Studies in Economics and Business Management

Φαίδιμος (2013)

The material presented here is designed to be used in an advanced English course (proficiency level) for University students of Business Management and Economics. The reading texts have been carefully chosen among texts addressed to students of economics and business management to enable the readers to master business vocabulary and jargon used in such settings.

English for Business Communication

Φαίδιμος (2013)

English for Business Communication is designed for people, who already deal (job experienced learners), or who will be dealing (pre-experienced learners) with English speaking partners, colleagues, customers or prospective clients. It is intended for people who can already express themselves fairly well in everyday English -a standard roughly equivalent to the upper intermediate level- but have difficulties when faced with applying that knowledge in typical, everyday business situations.

Study English for Business Educational Purposes

Φαίδιμος (2013)

Study English for Business Educational Purposes is a new and stimulating language course for today’s Business English student. Dealing with engaging international issues of especial interest to learners in the Business field, it exposes the student to a richness of diverse language terminology fundamental to understanding the corporate world.

Αγγλικά Δ΄δημοτικού

Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών και Εκδόσεων "Διόφαντος" (2013)
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