Αγγλική γλώσσα - Σπουδή και διδασκαλία

Great Expectations

Andrew Betsis Elt (2010)

Pride and Prejudice

Andrew Betsis Elt (2010)

Last of the Mohicans

Andrew Betsis Elt (2010)

Robin Hood

Andrew Betsis Elt (2010)

TOEIC: Analyst: Teacher's Book

Andrew Betsis Elt (2010)

TOEIC: Analyst: Student's Book

Andrew Betsis Elt (2010)

- TOEIC Analyst contains more than 700 questions in total to allow students to practice techniques for quickly recognizing test tasks and avoiding common mistakes. - Tips for analyzing various question types commonly found on TOEIC tests - Exercises for students to practice each question type - Sample tests at the end of each section focusing on specific listening or reading skills - 4 Complete Practice Tests designed including layout and directions as found on the TOEIC test

Αγγλικά Γ΄ γυμνασίου

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2010)

Αγγλικά Β΄ γυμνασίου

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2010)

ECCE Review, 7 Complete Tests and Glossary

Sylvia Kar Publications (2010)

ECCE Review, 7 Complete Tests and Glossary

Sylvia Kar Publications (2010)
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