Αγγλική γλώσσα - Σπουδή και διδασκαλία

Vocabulary Games

Bookstars - Γιωγγαράς (2017)

Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο απευθύνεται σε μαθητές, μαθήτριες και καθηγητές, καθηγήτριες της Αγγλικής γλώσσας του Δημοτικού Σχολείου και Γυμνάσιου ή ακόμα και σε όσους αγαπούν να λύνουν σταυρόλεξα και ασκήσεις λεξιλογίου. Όλες οι δραστηριότητες δημιουργήθηκαν με λεξιλόγιο από τα σχολικά εγχειρίδια της Αγγλικής γλώσσας της Ε΄, Στ΄ τάξης του Δημοτικού Σχολείου και των τριών τάξεων του Γυμνασίου και είναι αναρτημένες στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση http://users.sch.gr/nikmyk/wordpress/

Very Easy TOEIC: Teacher's Book

Andrew Betsis Elt (2010)

Very Easy TOEIC: Student's Book

Andrew Betsis Elt (2010)

Using Multimedia in the Foreign Language Classroom

Δήγμα (2011)

Useful Notes and Exercises on the Most Used Chapters of the English Grammar

Εκδόσεις Γιαχούδη (2003)

Useful Notes and Exercises on the Most Commonly Used Charters of the English Grammar

Εκδόσεις Γιαχούδη (2003)

The English language, like all languages is full of problems for the foreign learner. Some of these problems are easy to explain some others are more complicated and cause difficulties even to advanced students. However, the common problems of the English language structure have to be overcome by all students who need to learn the mechanics of the language to complete their studies effectively and successfully. This piece of work is an attempt to help learners, at various levels, grasp the fundamental areas of grammar and revise certain structures that they constantly have...

Use of English 2

Grivas Publications (2002)

"CPE Use of English 2" is the second of two books designed to prepare students for Parer 3 of the revised Cambridge CPE examination. The first book in the series helps students successfully bridge the gap between FCE level and the more advanced english needed for success at CPE. In the second book, students are given the opportunity to build on their existing language skills, with ample exam practice being offered in each unit. [...]

Use of English 2

Grivas Publications (2002)

"CPE Use of English 2" is the second of two books designed to prepare students for Paper 3 of the revised Cambridge CPE examination. The first book in the series helps students successfully bridge the gap between FCE level and the more advanced English needed for success at CPE. In the second book, students are given the opportunity to build on their existing language skills, with ample practice being offerred in each unit. [...]

Use of english 2

Grivas Publications (2002)

"CPE Use of English" is a new series of two books designed to prepare students for the Use of English paper of the rivised Cambridge CPE examination. "CPE Use of English 2" helps candidates bridge the gap between FCE level and the more advanced English needed for success at CPE. Each of the fifteen units in the book is comprised of three parts, as follows: Part 1 -Grammar presentation -Grammar practice -Similar meaning in another way -CPE transformations -Advanced language points Part 2 -Verbs, adjectives, nouns with prepositions -Idioms -Prepositional Phrases...

Use of English 2

Grivas Publications (2001)

Two "Use of english" books designed for students at Proficiency level, incorporating a wide range of English usage points. The built-up sections will help students to acquire a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the finer points of both idiomatic expression and usage, so that they will then be fully prepared to tackle the Practice Tests which are identical in format to the Cambridge Proficiency Examination papers.

Use of English 2

Grivas Publications (1999)

Two "Use of english" books designed for students at Proficiency level, incorporating a wide range of English usage points. The built-up sections will help students to acquire a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the finer points of both idiomatic expression and usage, so that they will then be fully prepared to tackle the Practice Tests which are identical in format to the Cambridge Proficiency Examination papers.

Use of English 2

Grivas Publications (2001)

Use of English 1,2

Grivas Publications (1996)

Use of English 1

Grivas Publications (2002)

"CPE Use of English" is a new series of two books designed to prepare students for the Use of English paper of the rivised Cambridge CPE examination. "CPE Use of English 1" helps candidates bridge the gap between FCE level and the more advanced English needed for success at CPE. Each of the fifteen units in the book is comprised of three parts, as follows: Part 1 -Grammar presentation -Grammar practice -Similar meaning in another way -CPE transformations -Advanced language points Part 2 -Verbs, adjectives, nouns with prepositions -Idioms -Prepositional phrases...

Use of English 1

Grivas Publications (2001)

"CPE Use of English" is a new series of two books designed to prepare students for the Use of English paper of the rivised Cambridge CPE examination. "CPE Use of English 1" helps candidates bridge the gap between FCE level and the more advanced English needed for success at CPE. Each of the fifteen units in the book is comprised of three parts, as follows: Part 1 -Grammar presentation -Grammar practice -Similar meaning in another way -CPE transformations -Advanced language points Part 2 -Verbs, adjectives, nouns with prepositions -Idioms -Prepositional Phrases...

Use of English 1

Grivas Publications (1999)

Two "Use of english" books designed for students at Proficiency level, incorporating a wide range of English usage points. The built-up sections will help students to acquire a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the finer points of both idiomatic expression and usage, so that they will then be fully prepared to tackle the Practice Tests which are identical in format to the Cambridge Proficiency Examination papers.

Use of English 1

Grivas Publications (1992)

Two "Use of english" books designed for students at Proficiency level, incorporating a wide range of English usage points. The built-up sections will help students to acquire a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the finer points of both idiomatic expression and usage, so that they will then be fully prepared to tackle the Practice Tests which are identical in format to the Cambridge Proficiency Examination papers.

Use of English

Grivas Publications (2002)
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