Αγγλική γλώσσα - Διδακτικά βιβλία για ξένους


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)


Macmillan Hellas SA (2000)

Guided Composition and Letter Writing 1

Grivas Publications (1999)

Composition is too often the area where students lack confidence because they are on their own and have no guidelines on which to base their work. Creative writing demands a good knowledge and awareness, a special ability to present facts and ideas clearly, concisely and attractively. It is true that you cannot teach students to write, any more than you can teach them to paint, but you can definitely guide them to develop a technique. The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corres...

English for Students of Economics

Τυπωθήτω (1999)

This book is the third of a series of three books designed to assist students who want to develop English skills in the area of economics. The book uses microeconomics concepts and terminology, as well as selected grammar, to teach skills and strategies for approaching microeconomics readings. It also includes a structured writing component. Aimed at intermediate to advanced learners who already have a good foundation in English vocabulary and grammar, and some knowledge of introductory microeconomics in their native language. An important feature of the book is the glossar...

Exploring English 1

Grivas Publications (1999)

Exploring English 1 provides study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks. Its key features are: -Storyline: an exciting and realistic sequence of events based on the lives of a group of young people, some living in and some visiting England. This story reflects students' own lives and interests, and serves to raise awareness of multi-cultural issues. -Reading texts: a variety of carefully selected texts enables students to explore an interesting range of issues and ideas. -Grammar: coverage of grammatical phenomena and functions is simple...

Exploring English 2

Grivas Publications (1999)

Exploring English 2 provides study material for two lessons a week over a period of twenty-six weeks. Its key features are: -Storyline: an exciting and realistic sequence of events based on the lives of a group of young people living in and visiting England. This story reflects students' own lives and interests, and serves to raise awareness of multi-cultural issues. -Reading texts: a variety of carefully selected texts enables students to explore an interesting range of issues and ideas. -Grammar: coverage of grammatical phenomena and functions is simple but thorough...

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