Αγγλική γλώσσα - Διδακτικά βιβλία για ξένους

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. Cource Features: - Well organized syllabus - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons - Vocabulary explained through illustrations - Listening and communication activities - Stimulating material including stories, songs, games, factual texts, cross-curricular activities and magazine pages - Three revision units - Grammar and pronunciation review every three units - Special sections on cross-cul...

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Workbook contains: - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Student's Book - Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication adn personalised activities - Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids and stickers) - Three revision units - A self-evaluation section

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Teacher's book contains: - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Student's Book - Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well a communication and personalised activities - Fun activities (games, crosswords, girds and magazine pages) - Three revision units - A self-evaluation section - Zoom in Celebrations

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. Course Features: - Well organized syllabus - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons - Vocabulary explained through illustrations - Listening and communication activities - Stimulating material including stories, songs, games, factual texts, cross-curricular activities and magazine pages - Three revision units - Grammar and pronunciation review every three units - Special sections on cross-cul...

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Workbook contains: - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Student's Book - Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication adn personalised activities - Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids and stickers) - Three revision units - A self-evaluation section

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Workbook contains: - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Student's Book - Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, a well as communication and personalised activities - Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids) - Three revision units - A sefl-evaluation section

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. Course Features: - Well organized syllabus - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons - Vocabulary explained through illustrations - Listening and communication activities - Stimulating material including stories, songs, games, factual texts, cross-curricular activities and magazine pages - Three revision units - Grammar and pronunciation review every three units- - Special sections son cross-c...

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Teacher's book contains: - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Student's book - Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities - Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids and magazine pages) - Three revision units - A self-evaluation section - Zoom in on Celebrations

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Workbook contains: - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Student's Book - Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and wirting tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities - Fun activities (crosswords, grids, games) - Three revision units

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative primary English course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. Course Features: - Well organized syllabus - Nine four-pages units divided into two lessons - Gradual development of the four skills - Stimulating material including stories, songs, games, factual texts and cross-curricular activities - Three revision units - Special sections on cross-cultural information leading to projects

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative six level English course. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Teacher's book contains: - An introductory unit - A clear layout which includes reduced Student's Book pages - Helpful tips and optional activities - Listening tapescripts - Key for all the activities - Three revision units - Quizzes - Tests

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative six-level primary English course. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Teacher's book contains: - An introductory unit - A clear layout which includes reduced Student's Book pages - Helpful tips and optional activities - Listening tapescripts - Key for all the activities - Three revision units - Quizzes - Tests

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative six-level primary English course. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. The Workbook contains: - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding to the Student's Book - Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and personalised activities - Fun activities (crosswords, grids, games) - Three revision units

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MM Publications (2002)

Is an innovative six-level primary English course. It aims to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment. Course Features: - Well organized syllabus - Nine four-page units divided into two lessons - Gradual development of the four skills - Stimulating material including stories, songs, games, factual texts and cross-curricular activities - Three revision units - Special sections on cross-cultural information leading to projects

Αγγλικά - Ελληνικά: Διάλογοι καθημερινής ζωής

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2016)

Ένας χρηστικός δίγλωσσος οδηγός, ιδανικός για τους Έλληνες που επιθυμούν να ταξιδέψουν στη Μ. Βρετανία και στις Η.Π.Α. και, αντίστροφα, για τους αγγλόφωνους που επισκέπτονται την Ελλάδα. Καλύπτει πλήρως τις ανάγκες επικοινωνίας κατά το ταξίδι, καθώς και αυτές που δημιουργούνται κατά την παραμονή σε κάθε χώρα. Παρουσιάζει συνοπτικά τα βασικά γραμματικά φαινόμενα των δύο γλωσσών και περιλαμβάνει λέξεις, φράσεις και συχνές ερωτήσεις, τη μετάφρασή τους και φωνητική μεταγραφή. Στην αρχή κάθε ενότητας υπάρχει σχετική περιγραφή για την εγχώρια και ξένη πραγματικότητα. Ένα...

Αγγλικά Α΄ γυμνασίου

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2009)

Το βιβλίο περιέχει τις απαντήσεις στις ερωτήσεις του βιβλίου μαθητή και του τετραδίου εργασιών.

Αγγλικά Α΄ γυμνασίου

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2012)

Αγγλικά Α΄ γυμνασίου

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2010)

Αγγλικά Α΄ γυμνασίου

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2012)

Αγγλικά Β΄ γυμνασίου

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2009)

Βοήθημα για το νέο σχολικό βιβλίο. Περιέχει τις απαντήσεις στις ερωτήσεις του βιβλίου μαθητή και του τετραδίου εργασιών.

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