Παιδικά βιβλία, Ελληνικά - Μεταφράσεις στα αγγλικά

Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος (2004)

Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος (2004)

Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος (2004)

Noise Pollution. Menelaus and Paris

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (1998)

Night of Miracles

Εκδοτικός Οίκος Α. Α. Λιβάνη (2019)

One day, the tree of the world was broken in two. The bottom half of the tree was hanging from the top, with only a thin piece of bark left holding them together.Together with the tree, happiness was also separated. The only way for the world to be happy again was for the people to truly love the stars. With this love, the stars will shine so brightly. One day those beautiful rays will become so strong, like a rope, to lift up the lower half of the broken tree and to unite it once again with the upper half, to be whole again as it was before. This is why little Arseni...

Myrsini and the Blessed Pomegranate Tree

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

The beautiful village, as a little centerpiece under the smile of the sun, offered life to the happiest people, until a formidable enemy in scarlet red spurted in anger and with envy to destroy all this beauty. But what exactly did it destroy after all? What happened to Myrsini, the pomegranate tree and the little canary? Why was the village renamed? After all, is there still any hope?

Mati, the magic whisper

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

This is the true story of a girl who did not tame the waves, did not defeat mythical monsters in one night, and was not called as the heroine of any fairytale! She just managed to overcome her fears and hesitations, realising life exactly as it is... great!

Looking for Christmans

Το Παλίμψηστον (2009)

Little Bear in Trouble

Ελληνική Σοροπτιμιστική Ένωση Ελλάδος (2005)

This is not an ordinary children's book. It is a book which touches on one of the most sensitive and most painful issues of our time. Child abuse, however, is a real issue, and one which we must not ignore. The Greek Soroptimist Union recommends that children should not read this book alone. It should be read with parents and teachers, adults who are able to respond to children's questions and misgivins, and only if and when they consider it the right moment to raise the issue.

Let's Go to Nafplio!

Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος (2009)

Έναν τόπο τον γνωρίζεις περπατώντας τον... Με τον μικρό οδηγό στην τσέπη θα δεις κρυμμένες ομορφιές, θα επισκεφτείς τα κυριότερα μνημεία, θα παρατηρήσεις, θα σημειώσεις, θα μάθεις... Το ταξίδι σου θα γίνει ένα μεγάλο παιχνίδι ανακάλυψης! Πάμε, λοιπόν, ταξίδι στο Ναύπλιο!

Let's Go to Crete!

Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος (2009)

Έναν τόπο τον γνωρίζεις περπατώντας τον... Με τον μικρό οδηγό στην τσέπη θα δεις κρυμμένες ομορφιές, θα επισκεφτείς τα κυριότερα μνημεία, θα παρατηρήσεις, θα σημειώσεις, θα μάθεις... Το ταξίδι σου θα γίνει ένα μεγάλο παιχνίδι ανακάλυψης! Πάμε, λοιπόν, ταξίδι στην Κρήτη!

Leonidas with his 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians

Άγκυρα (2017)

King Leonidas of Sparta, his 300 Spartan soldiers and the 700 Thespians will remain in our minds as a leading example of bravery and allegiance to the value of liberty, deserved by and an imperative to all humans, all peoples ... Knowledge about the events of the ancient Persian wars against the Greeks, enables us to relate with the significance the importance of believing in something with all our heart, overcoming even the greatest fears... Τhis book comprises several activities and games helping young readers consolidate the basics of Greek mythology.

Leonidas and the Battle at Thermopylae

Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος (2017)

The history of Leonidas, King of Ancient Sparta and his famous battle at Thermopylae. Easy to understand and illustrated with humour, these classic Greek stories will delight and inform young readers, making learning fun!

Kymothoi's Journey

Καλέντης (2019)

Kanelis Explores Athens

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2013)

Our little story takes place in Athens. It starts with the realisation of a wish and takes off with the reader for a daytrip, flying over the important sights of the city of Athens, with the Parthenon being the highlight. Kanelis is a symbol of freedom, small in size but with great wishes. He flies joyfully, ponders and makes us ponder, moves us and enjoys the gift given to him by his good fortune. The little horse of Holargos has the chance -through conversations with various sculptures, a bell, a column and a flag- to learn wonderful things for the city and its histor...

Jordan and the little magic pencil

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

Through this fairytale "Jordan and the Little Magic Pencil" children will realise that language and dictation are like a game. Parents and teachers should help them understand the magical world of language, unlock it, and love it. In this effort little Jordan will be their assistant.

In the Land of Time

Αντιύλη (2016)

In the Land of "Must and Mustn't"

uPublish (2012)

Knights from the Land of Must and wizards from the Land of Mustn’t teach children how to take care of the environment.

In the Forest

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (1998)

If You Love them they 'll Be Back

Εκδοτικός Οίκος Α. Α. Λιβάνη (2019)
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