Παιδικά βιβλία, Ελληνικά - Μεταφράσεις στα αγγλικά

The Frogs

Διάπλαση (2017)

Dionysus decides to go down to Hades, the underworld, and bring back the great playwright Euripides. He sets out with his loyal slave Xanthias on this adventurous journey to the palace of Pluto and Persephone. There he is about to witness a competition between Euripides and Aeschylus for the prize of best poet. Dionysus is asked to be the judge and will be free to take the winner back to the world of the living. In the same series: The Birds Lysistrata Plutus Peace

The Fruit Village

Οσελότος (2013)

Teeny-weeny is visiting her grandparents, who live in the Fruit village. With them she reveals the secrets hidden in the green and full of sweet smells grandpa's garden. Included in the book: the fairytale simple exercises and the Fruitvillage's song

The Garden of Joy and Sadness

Εκδόσεις Cambia (2014)

The story "The Garden of Joy and Sadness" is a fairy tale for children and adults with a rich vocabulary, fabulous music and messages for children and adults. It includes 12 stories and 4 songs starring Joy and Sorrow. Through their lives' adventures , we learn finally how important both these emotions are and how one of these emotions cannot exist without the other.

The golden balloon

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

But I'm a balloon just like you, it said hesitantly to the round balloons that were looking from up high and were laughing at it. It was different from the rest, with a rare, almost gold colour. It had every right to be proud of its appearance but it had yet to realise how beautiful and special it was. All of this though, up to the point that...

The Hidden Colours

Κιτσινέλης Σπύρος Χρ. - NightLab Publications (2015)

The Hidden Colours is a short story for very young children that introduces them to simple scientific ideas in the easiest way. By discussing various phenomena such as light, rainbows and stars the kids will start developing not only critical thinking but also positive attitudes towards new ideas and questions. The Hidden Colours is their first fairytale with an aroma of science.

The Hill of the Hidden Secrets

Ακρίτας (1998)

The Hill of the Hidden Secrets

Πορφύρα Εκδόσεις (2017)

The jealousy germ

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

In a small but famous bakery, they all work together, respecting and loving each other. One day the terrible Jealousy germ sneaks in. From that day on, life in the bakery changes. How does the germ manage to become the master of the place? And how will they get rid of it? This is a story about a germ that's different from all other germs, and which could sneak into your house or your classroom as well. Read this book and you will, no doubt, be ready to deal with it.

The magic bookmark

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2013)

A student dislikes school and reading. He dislikes them so much he gets a rush just by hearing those two words. But one day he has to produce something handmade for a school assignment. So he asks his mother for her help and she advises him to make a bookmark. The student makes that bookmark and at the same time he develops an interest for books. His reading is slow and timid but he uses the bookmark he has made. The bookmark (magically) moves on to the next pages and before he knows it on to the next book and the next book and the next book... The student tries to find o...

The Mermaid

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

And wrapped she was with scales bellow the waist, instead of legs, she had a big, fish tail. Her body was half human and half fish; she was a magical and mythical mermaid.

The missing daughter

Εκδόσεις Πνοή (2019)

A group of children visits the Acropolis Museum and meets the stolen Caryatid, the "Missing Daughter". Is it possible for the children to have a conversation with her and listen to her sorrow? Can their delicate souls and daring actions restore justice based on their personal criteria? A tale which aims on making parents and teachers reflect and encourages children of all ages to learn about the history of Greece through the exhibits of the Acropolis Museum.

The Olive Tree

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

The tree then would stand happy and would grow, and wish its olives to be sweet and rich so that all people would enjoy their taste; for joy is always greater when it’s shared.

The Princess who didn't Eat Eggplants

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2013)

How troubled is the life of Princess Helena! She does not like eggplants, need she say it again? Helena has everything. Toys, clothes, a big beautiful house and her parents adore her. How ungrateful on her behalf, people say! If she has all she could ever need, then why is she so sad? And then, one day everything changed. Going through a hole in the royal fence, Helena meets... Felicity and she tastes a funny named food. "The Princess who didn't eat eggplants" is a fascinating story about friendship and the value of sharing goods. "And f you believe in this tale and...

The Rain Monster

Εκδοτικός Οίκος Α. Α. Λιβάνη (2019)

Melina is a lonely girl who loved the rain. On cloudy days she liked to go on walks in the forest together with her father. She would lie down under her favorite tree, listening to the raindrops falling and smelling the wet grass. Until one day she heard something from the top of the plane tree! It was the scary rain monster! The creature from the stories and fairytales which were being told by the villagers. It really did exist! But, just a moment... It wasn’t large like a rock, but small and furry. It wasn’t growling in a loud voice, but it spoke normally. It wasn’t...

The Saga of Alexander the Great

Κέδρος (1997)

The scarlybutton

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

"Once upon a time there was a button, a red button, small as a cherry pit: and it had a dream... a big dream..."

The Science of Christmas

Κιτσινέλης Σπύρος Χρ. - NightLab Publications (2015)

A short science Christmas story for children.

The Splendid Fighter

Εκδοτικός Οίκος Α. Α. Λιβάνη (2019)

"... Among the countless stars in the sky there are also some twins...When one of them falls to earth, it neither goes out nor is it lost, as many think. The fallen star is born as a creature that looks very different from all the others and for this reason no one seems to recognize it. These unique creatures make a great journey to discover themselves. Along the way they encounter many enemies and face many dangers. But heaven, who created them, gives them her weapons and with them they become the most splendid fighters..."

The Stoneboat

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

"Dear moon, there, high in the dome where you are, I dare you, better than you I’ll become. It’s either I win or lose it all, I swear", the fairy said and at the moon she stared.

The Sun who Lost his Way

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2013)

"And what is so wrong with my liking game playing instead of learning Geography?". That's what the naughty sun, Shiny, kept saying all the time. Anyway, the time he should rise and shine in order to start a new day for people has come. And then... Then, things got a bit tougher. Cheerful and eager, he began, but soon he got confused and lost his way. What should people do to help the naughty little one? A story about the importance of everything, no matter small or big, and the power of helping each other.

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