Παιδικά βιβλία, Ελληνικά - Μεταφράσεις στα αγγλικά

The Dragon and the Garlic Eater Knights

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2015)

Marcos is a dragon who can neither fly nor blow fire out of his mouth. He lives peacefully in Pamfoukia until the moment when the distant memory of the Garlic Eater Knights will lead him to the Scary Swamp. Along with Filandros, Spigos and Spithami, they have a long journey ahead of them, and many riddles to solve; who is Green and where to find her? Who grabbed the silent water, and for which reason? Why the odour of garlic is too suffocating for some people? Will they make it in time to fight against the evil that the Scary Swamp emits? The conflict between two extr...

Παιδικά όνειρα

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2016)

Μια φορά ήταν ένα κορίτσι που ονειρευόταν να αγγίξει τα αστέρια. Μια φορά ήταν ένα αγόρι που ονειρευόταν να πετάξει σαν πουλί πάνω από τις στέγες των σπιτιών, πάνω από τις θάλασσες κι από τα σύννεφα. Κάποια όνειρα φαίνονται τόσο απίθανα, που κανείς δεν πιστεύει ότι μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθούν. Κανείς, εκτός από σένα... Ένα βιβλίο για το τι σημαίνει να ονειρεύεσαι και να μην εγκαταλείπεις τα όνειρά σου, ακόμα και στις πιο αντίξοες συνθήκες. Once there was a girl who dreamed of touching the stars that shone in the sky. Once there was a boy who dreamed of flying lik...

Το ταξίδι των λουλουδιών

Βεργίνα (2016)

- Αγαπητοί μου μικροί φίλοι, με τη σιωπηλή παρουσία μας θα ταξιδέψουμε μαζί με τα λουλούδια, για να γνωρίσουμε τον υπέροχο κόσμο τους. Ακούστε τα, μιλήστε τους και περιπλανηθείτε με τη φαντασία σας μαζί τους. Κοντά τους θα μάθετε όλα της φύσης τα θαύματα, θα βρείτε τα μυστικά, για να χαρείτε και ν' αγαπήσετε ό,τι υπάρχει γύρω τους. Ακόμη, θα μάθετε να αγωνιάτε για τη ζωή και να ετοιμάσετε έναν κόσμο καλύτερο που θ' ανασαίνει ελεύθερα, χωρίς να νιώθει λαθρεπιβάτης στο δικό του μικρό καραβάκι."

Ice Cream Land

Εκδόσεις Φυλάτος (2016)

Dear child, listen close, I have something to disclose. In my city there is trouble; I need help and on the double. Listen well and pay attention while a mystery I mention.

Ο κύριος Φλικ και ο κύριος Φλάκ

Οσελότος (2016)

Ένα παραμύθι για την αγάπη και την φιλία. Είναι γραμμένο στα ελληνικά και στα αγγλικά έτσι ώστε οι μικροί μας φίλοι να εξοικειώνονται και με τις δύο γλώσσες. One fairytale for love and friendship. It is written in Greek and English so that our little friends get comfortable with both languages.

Aristos and Sasha

Οσελότος (2016)

Aristos was a stray cat born in a broken washtub full of old bits and pieces. His mother was a black cat her owner had got tired of and thrown out into the streets. Aristos, who was also pitch black, had got used to his life as an alley cat... At that precise moment, when he had a whole set of fish bones in front of him with a morsel of meat clinging to them, he thought he had everything his heart could desire! But his heart's desire would soon rise to much higher levels... There are times when neither poverty nor riches, neither race nor color are an obstacle for feelings...

In the Land of Time

Αντιύλη (2016)

Bongo ο δεινόσαυρος

Έναστρον (2016)

Μια ιστορία για τον σεβασμό στη διαφορετικότητα και τη συναισθηματική νοημοσύνη. Γραμμένο στα ελληνικά και τα αγγλικά, περιλαμβάνει ευχάριστες ασκήσεις δεξιοτήτων και απευθύνεται σε παιδιά προσχολικής και πρώτης σχολικής ηλικίας.

The Frogs

Διάπλαση (2017)

Dionysus decides to go down to Hades, the underworld, and bring back the great playwright Euripides. He sets out with his loyal slave Xanthias on this adventurous journey to the palace of Pluto and Persephone. There he is about to witness a competition between Euripides and Aeschylus for the prize of best poet. Dionysus is asked to be the judge and will be free to take the winner back to the world of the living. In the same series: The Birds Lysistrata Plutus Peace

Σώζοντας την ελπίδα

Άλφα Πι (2017)

Το παιδικό παραμύθι "Σώζοντας την ελπίδα" της Αρετής Γ. Παληού γεννήθηκε μέσα από την εμπειρία της επαφής και της επικοινωνίας με τους πρόσφυγες στο νησί της Χίου τον τελευταίο χρόνο. Στόχος του είναι να μεταδώσει τα μηνύματα της ανθρωπιάς, της αλληλεγγύης, της αλληλοβοήθειας και της συνύπαρξης των πολιτισμών. Επίσης να δείξει, με παιδαγωγικά ορθό τρόπο, ότι υπεύθυνοι για το δράμα των προσφύγων είναι οι πόλεμοι, η βία και η καταστροφή των εστιών στις χώρες καταγωγής. Μόνο με την εξάλειψή τους θα δοθεί ένα τέρμα στο δράμα εκατομμυρίων συνανθρώπων μας και οφείλουμε να συμβάλο...

Leonidas with his 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians

Άγκυρα (2017)

King Leonidas of Sparta, his 300 Spartan soldiers and the 700 Thespians will remain in our minds as a leading example of bravery and allegiance to the value of liberty, deserved by and an imperative to all humans, all peoples ... Knowledge about the events of the ancient Persian wars against the Greeks, enables us to relate with the significance the importance of believing in something with all our heart, overcoming even the greatest fears... Τhis book comprises several activities and games helping young readers consolidate the basics of Greek mythology.

Roula: The cunning and mean little cat from Hydra

Καλέντης (2017)

The Battle of Marathon

Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος (2017)

The famous Battle of Marathon Which took place in 490 BC, ended with the victory of the Greeks and saved freedom and democracy. Easy to understand and illustrated with humor, These classic Greek stories will delight And inform young readers Making learning fun!

Leonidas and the Battle at Thermopylae

Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος (2017)

The history of Leonidas, King of Ancient Sparta and his famous battle at Thermopylae. Easy to understand and illustrated with humour, these classic Greek stories will delight and inform young readers, making learning fun!

Sky Tales

Ζήτη (2017)

When a child in Ancient Greece gazed up at the sky, he would be awestruck by the magnificence of the night and captivated by the mystery which the glow of the stars held. It is not at all strange then, that the planets and the shapes of the stars were connected to Greek mythology. They became stories with dragons, gods and heroes that take the reader on a fascinating journey to starry skies with the overwhelming beauty of the tales for a guide. There is no better way for modern-day children to discover the secrets that the clear night sky hides. It is now time to fin...

The Hill of the Hidden Secrets

Πορφύρα Εκδόσεις (2017)

The Changing Island

Suricata (2017)

Discover Santorini through the story! The doggy and his pal (who we first met at "Hey! Psst!") set out for a magical island in search of adventure.But the volcano under the sea erupts, bringing about an astonishing and startling change. In the general commotion, the two friends get separated. Doggy, now on his own, goes in search of his pal, but nobody understands what he wants. Eventually, help comes from where least expected. A story about the unexpected in life that can turn life into a great adventure.

Goodwill and Rosepetal

Οσελότος (2017)

What could be the connection between Puss-in-Boots' boots, Cinderella's glass slippers, Snow White's poisoned apple, the Pied Piper's magic flute and a conceited, stuck-up princess?

Callisto and the Book of the Sky

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

Gods have the power of transformation. They take various forms and get involved in the lives of mortals. Their adventures are then transformed into myths. And myths travel by story-telling and books, and they are transformed into truth. Just look at the myth of the beautiful Callisto, whose transformation into a bear ran her and her son a merry dance, which was written forever on the book of the sky.

The Mermaid

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

And wrapped she was with scales bellow the waist, instead of legs, she had a big, fish tail. Her body was half human and half fish; she was a magical and mythical mermaid.

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