Μυθολογία, Ελληνική - Βιβλία για παιδιά - Μεταφράσεις στα αγγλικά

The Trojan War - Odyssey

Άγκυρα (2013)

Which was the cause of one of the most well-known wars in the world between Greeks and Trojans? Who won the war and which way? Who were the brave worriors demised in both camps and under what circumstances? Which was the fate of one of the greatest and most ingenious kings of the era -Odysseus- on setting sail for home? Did he manage to overcome the tremendous ordeals on his way back? The War of Troy and the adventures of Odysseus inspired the great, world famous, ancient Greek poet Homerus, to write his two renouned epics: Iliad and Odyssey.

The Gods of Olympus

Χατζηλάκος Π. (2013)


Διάπλαση (2014)

Theseus, son of Aegeus, king of Athens, was one of the Ancient Greeks' greatest heroes. From his teenage journey to his father's city, during which he confronted and defeated many terrifying villains, to the vaults of the Minoan Labyrinth and the slaying of the monstrous Minotaur, to his wise reign and the unification of Attica's settlements into a greater Athens, he led a life full of grand deeds and daring endeavours, but still not without romance or tragedy. Read about the fearless hero's breathtaking adventures in this captivating adaptation of Greek mythology by Sirmo...


Διάπλαση (2014)

After the fall of Troy, the Greeks set out to return to their homeland. But it would take Odysseus, the ingenious man responsible for their final victory, another ten years before he could set eyes on his beloved Ithaca. Ten years of relentless struggle against vengeful gods, horrifying monsters, murderous sirens, fierce giants and treacherous women of astonishing beauty, but also against his companions' greed and thoughtlessness and his own weaknesses. Read about the cunning hero's breathtaking ordeals in this captivating adaptation of the Odyssey by Sirmo Kapoutsi, vividl...

Orpheus and Euridice

Bookstars - Γιωγγαράς (2014)

Orpheas loves Eurydice but an accident sends her to Hades, the God of the Underworld. Can he save her? The story of Orpheas and Eurydice for children just learning to read with lively illustrations they will enjoy. With activities that help with the development of the children's comprehension and emotional skills.

Daedalus and Icarus

Bookstars - Γιωγγαράς (2014)

Daedalus and his son Ikarus are imprisoned in the terrible Labyrinth. Can they escape? The story oF Daedalus and Ikarus for children beginning to read, with exciting illustrations. Also included are activities for the student's emotional and mental developement .

Acropolis and Goddess Athena

Άγκυρα (2014)

Daedalus and Ikarus

Άγκυρα (2014)

The Gods fo Olympus

Διάπλαση (2014)

A new series which will give preschoolers the chance to have a first contact with the wonderful tales of Greek mythology, through exciting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Get to know the mighty gods of Mount Olympus, their amazing powers, love affairs and fierce quarrels.


Διάπλαση (2014)

A new series which will give preschoolers the chance to have a first contact with the wonderful tales of Greek mythology, through exciting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Get to know the greatest Greek hero, his fascinating life and impossible deeds, his final elevation to the company of the gods.


Διάπλαση (2014)

A new series which will give preschoolers the chance to have a first contact with the wonderful tales of Greek mythology, through exciting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Get to know the breathtaking adventures of young Jason, his sturdy ship Argo and its crew of brave heroes, as they roam the ancient seas in search of the Golden Fleece.

The Wonder of Crete and Minos

Άγκυρα (2014)

Why the Cretan civilization went down in history as the first culture in Greece and Europe? Which was the princess Zeus fell in love with and a whole continent was called after her? Who was Minos’ father and why he was punished by god Poseidon? Who was Talus? What was the labyrinth and who was the Minotaur? Who was the artist behind the exquisite palace of Knossos? Why no enemy dared to invade the island of Crete? Who was the hero who managed to kill the Minotaur? Why Cretans was a happy people? What was taurokathapsia? How was the ancient Cretan culture brought to light? ....


Χατζηλάκος Π. (2014)

Jason and the Argonauts

Διάπλαση (2014)

Young Jason returns to his hometown of Iolcos to claim the throne from the usurper, his uncle Pelias. But first he must carry out an impossible task - bring back the Golden Fleece from the faraway land of Kolchis. Thus he sets out on the most extraordinary journey on board the sturdy Argo, together with his fearless companions, the Argonauts. Read about the legendary heroes' breathtaking adventures in this captivating adaptation of Greek mythology by Sirmo Kapoutsi, vividly illustrated by Nestoras Xouris.

Phrixus and Helle. Orpheus and Eurydice

Άγκυρα (2015)

Phrixus and Helle were the children of Athamas, king of Orchomenus in Boeotia. Their mother was the beautiful Nephele, who died at a very young age. The king married again, to a woman named Ino, who was extremely jealous of the two children. So Ino came up with a plan to take the kids out of the picture. However, the love of their dead mother, Nephele, protected Phrixus and Helle. What would be the fate of the two siblings? Orpheus and Eurydice Orpheus, son of the muse Calliope, was a young, talented musician and poet. As soon as he met the beautiful nymph Eurydice, he fe...

Prometheus. Pandora’s Box

Άγκυρα (2015)

Who was Prometheus, and how did he help humans to improve their lives and cope with nature's challenges? Why did Zeus, the ruler of both gods and men, punish him so harshly? Which hero saved Prometheus from his punishment? Who was Epimetheus, and who was the beautiful Pandora? What did the box, which Zeus had given to Pandora as a wedding gif, hide? What happened when she opened it? All the answers can be found in this fascinating book dealing with two Greek myths that will capture the interest of readers, both young and old, all over the world... The book contains acti...


Bookstars - Γιωγγαράς (2015)

Sisyphos is a intelligent human who defies the Gods. Will he be able to escape their anger? This is the story of Sisyphos for children just starting to read with exciting , lively illustrations. With activities for advancing the cognative and emotional development of children.


Διάπλαση (2016)

A new series which will give preschoolers the chance to have a first contact with the wonderful tales of Greek mythology, through exciting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Read about the incredible ordeals of Odysseus, the brightest and most resourceful of the Greek generals, who set out to return to Ithaca after the fall of Troy, only to spend ten long years trying to save himself and his comrades from hostile peoples, horrifying monsters, beautiful temptresses and the wrath of the gods.


Διάπλαση (2016)

A new series which will give preschoolers the chance to have a first contact with the wonderful tales of Greek mythology, through exciting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Read about the breathtaking adventures of the hero Theseus; his numerous encounters with menacing bandits as he travels to Athens to meet his father, the king Aegeus; his fight with the Minotaur in the Labyrinth on Crete and his tragic return home; his final days of glory as creator of the City of Athens.

The trojan war

Διάπλαση (2016)

A new series which will give preschoolers the chance to have a first contact with the wonderful tales of Greek mythology, through exciting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Read about the first major conflict of the ancient times, the ten-year war between the Greeks and the Trojans, an epic tale full of heroic deeds, human passions and divine interventions. Starring Achilles, Agamemnon, Patroclus, Odysseus, Hector, Paris, Ajax, Diomedes, and countless more fearless warriors!

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