

Συμπληγάδων 7 121 31 Περιστέρι

210 5771908

Getting to Grips with Technical English

Έλλην (1998)

Getting to Grips with Technical English

Έλλην (1998)

Français des relations internationales: une vue hexagonale sur la Grèce

Έλλην (2011)

II n'est pas necessaire aujourd'hui de rappeler a quel point l'enseignement de la langue est inseparable de la realite sociale a laquelle cette langue s'applique. A la difference de l' apprentissage fondamental de la langue francaise, dispense au cours des deux premieres annees du cursus universitaire, le public auquel s'adresse le present ouvrage n'est plus en situation d'apprentissage du francais mais de perfectionnement linguistique; qu'il s' agisse de poursuivre des etudes dans un etablissement superieur francais ou francophone, d'employer ces nouvelles connaissance...

English II for Tourist Enterprises

Έλλην (2007)

The book aims to help students who have completed (or are near to completing) their studies to familiarise themselves with the language and phraselogy specific to their profession and face the task of dealing with English-speaking guests of different nationalities. It is, therefore, assumed that the students already have a proficient knowledge of English and will use this book in order to enhance their language skills in relation to the field of tourism. Each chapter in the book presents a specific tourism-related topic and begins with a suitable text or dialogue. Fol...

English for Students of Forestry

Έλλην (2002)

English for Students of Forestry

Έλλην (2002)

English for Students of Forestry

Έλλην (2002)

English for Intermediate Students

Έλλην (1997)

English for Engineers

Έλλην (2008)

Αυτό το βιβλίο καλύπτει τις εξειδικευμένες γλωσσικές ανάγκες των σπουδαστών που μελετούν τη μηχανική και ηλεκτρική εφαρμοσμένη μηχανική. Απευθύνεται σε γνώστες της αγγλικής γλώσσας μεσαίου και υψηλότερου επιπέδου. Το βιβλίο είναι επίσης χρήσιμο στους πεπειραμένους τεχνικούς που απασχολούνται διεθνώς ή πρέπει ακριβώς να αναπτύξουν στη δυνατότητά τους να επικοινωνήσουν στον εργασιακό τους χώρο. This book addresses generally the specialized linguistic needs of students studying Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. It aims at learners from intermediate to high intermediate...

English for Electrical Engineering and Electronics

Έλλην (1999)

English for Electrical Engineering and Automation

Έλλην (2011)

Το βιβλίο αυτό απευθύνεται σε φοιτητές Ηλεκτρολόγους Μηχανικούς και Αυτοματιστές. Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση η μέτρια έως καλή γνώση της Αγγλικής ώστε να μπορεί ο φοιτητής να ανταπεξέλθει στην εκμάθηση της τεχνικής ορολογίας που του παρέχει το σύγγραμμα αυτό. Το βιβλίο εκτός άλλων, περιέχει και αυθεντικά τεχνικά κείμενα με τις αντίστοιχες ασκήσεις εκμάθησης λεξιλογίου και κατανόησης. Ασκήσεις για μετάφραση, επαναληπτικές, γραμματικής και ελληνο-αγγλικο Γλωσσάρι. Περιεχόμενα: 1. The job of the Electrical Engineering 2. The Job of the Automation Engineering 3. Productio...

English for Business

Έλλην (1995)

English for Basic Electronics

Έλλην (2010)

This textbook aims at helping adult students and professionals in the field of Electrical Engineering and Electronics to acquire fundamental knowledge of the technical language which is necessary for them in order to be able to communicate in the academic and professional environment, Learners should have an intermediate to upper intermediate level of competence to benefit from studying this book either in the classroom, or individually. The book provides: - Authentic technical texts dealing with electrical circuits, electronic equipment and computing. - Activities fo...

English for Aircraft Technology

Έλλην (2008)

English for aircraft technology is a course intended for advanced learners of English studying aircraft technology or for people already working in the field. It is suitable for use in university and technical school settings. It is content-based and covers a wide range of aircraft technology topics, using adapted texts from various sources such as websites, magazines, dictionaries, encyclopedias etc. All skills are developed through stimulating activities, which enable students to combine their knowledge of English with their technical knowledge.

Comprehension and Vocabulary Building of the English we Read and Use Everyday

Έλλην (2008)

The book consists of twenty units where students have the chance to deal with authentic articles published in British newspapers. Each unit includes a variety of exercises so that students can practice different linguistic skills. These exercises are designed to make students comprehend articles, which trigger critical thinking in class discussions. A number of vocabulary exercises are incorporated so that students can enrich their vocabulary and polish up their writing skills. Additional grammar exercises are included to help learners comprehend some tricky grammar points....

Business Language Skills

Έλλην (2002)

Business English for Future Managers

Έλλην (2006)

In our days the position of English as a world language has become more secure and entrenched than eνer before. Economists, cultural theοrists and political scientists, agree that English has emerged as a global language ready to respond to new communication challenges created by the "new world order", which appeared at the beginning of the 21st century and represents a significant discontinuity with preνious centuries. Τhe knowledge of English seems to be a "must haνe" part of the professional portfolio that each prospectiνe employee or businessman can offer to their futur...

Business English

Έλλην (2003)

"Business English" is a 22 unit coursebook of at least upper intermediate level, intended for students studying "Business English Terminology" in the Technological Education Institutes. The units cover topics which reflect the world of business and concetrate on natural language appropriate to different business functions and situations. More emphasis is given to special business terms. This book is specially designed to enable learners to communicate clearly and appropriately in the everyday social and business situations they are likely to encounter.

Approche du francais scientifique

Έλλην (1996)

1997 και επτά

Έλλην (2005)

Τα κείμενα που περιλαμβάνονται σε αυτό το βιβλίο γράφτηκαν στην περίοδο 1997-2004. Δημοσιεύτηκαν σε εφημερίδες, περιοδικά και στο διαδίκτυο. Προσπάθησα με αυτά να εκφράσω την οργή μου και την αγωνία μου για την ακολουθούμενη εκπαιδευτική πολιτική για την Τ.Ε.Ε. αλλά και γενικότερα για τη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Το ένιωθα σαν χρέος. [...] 'Ο,τι συνέβη αυτά τα εφτά χρόνια της περίφημης και μεγαλεπίβολης "εκπαιδευτικής μεταρρύθμισης", ιδιαίτερα στα σχολεία της δευτεροβάθμιας Τ.Ε.Ε., δεν πρέπει να ξεχαστεί. Το οφείλουμε αυτό στα παιδιά μας και στην ελληνική κοινωνία, για να μ...

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