

Αφαίας 54 154 52 Ψυχικό Αθήνα

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Λυκαβηττός (2010)

The remote, uninhabited island of Falconera almost half way between Athens and Crete is the focus of daring exploits in the last months of World War II. If the German munitions fleet succeeds in reinforcing the German army on Crete the Occupation will continue, prolonging the war. The British navy can stop this fleet only if they can locate it, information that only can be provided by a small schooner from the Greek Schooner Raiding Flotilla. The story is fiction but the setting real. The author, Alexis Ladas, was a 24 year old captain on a Greek Raiding Schooner in 194...

Jewish Sites in Thessaloniki

Λυκαβηττός (2009)

Thessaloniki has long been considered Greece's foremost multi-cultural city because for many centuries its history has been marked by the peaceful co-existence of Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Between 1492, in fact, and 1912 the Jewish community was the largest of all ethnic communities living here. This thriving community set the tone of Ottoman Thessaloniki, making it known as the most famous Jewish city in the world, widely referred to as the Jerusalem of the Balkans. Visitors now coming for the first time to Thessaloniki encounter a basically Byzantine city because...

In Sfakiá

Λυκαβηττός (2008)

In Sfakia is an affectionate, personal account of the historic and remote Cretan region of Sfakia and its main village, Chora Sfakion, as encountered by the author and his wife starting in the late 1970s. The landscape is rugged, as are the Sfakian people, who are renowned for their heroism, fierceness, dignity and independence - and even today they remain "hospitable to the point of insanity". We follow the couple as they become increasingly engaged with the local people, language, customs, landscape, history and legends, tragedies and triumphs of the region; we learn of t...

Cookbook of the Jews of Greece

Λυκαβηττός (2000)

This Way to Paradise

Λυκαβηττός (1998)

St. Paul in Greece

Λυκαβηττός (1997)

Otto F. A. Meinardus's "St. Paul in Greece" has been the fundamental source about St. Paul's travels in Greece for modern visitors to the country for many years, providing clear biblical and cultural insight into all the sites St. Paul visited in Greece, from Philippi to Fair Havens. It also discusses St. Paul's correspondence with the new Christian communities he started and the traditions that continue in these communities today. This edition, with new photographs and maps, has been brought up to date to take account of the changes at some of the sites since the original...

The Unwritten Places

Λυκαβηττός (1995)


Λυκαβηττός (1994)

Bonnie' s Best Bites

Λυκαβηττός (1990)

"I am most honored to have been involved in the putting together of this unusual collection of recipes, Bonnie's Best Bites. Not only is Bonnie a good friend, a superb cook, a relaxed and warm hostess, but she also cares deeply about others, which was the guiding force in making this book a reality. It has truly been a labor of love, and I do believe that this comes through in the design of the book, selection of recipes, and individual notes. It has been heard said throughout Athens, and I'm certain also in both Lagos, Nigeria and in Buffalo, N.Y., that when Bonnie coo...

Εγώ είμαι

Λυκαβηττός (1990)

Ο αγώνας να βελτιωθούμε ή να προοδεύσουμε μας συγχέει ακόμη περισσότερο. Οι εξωτερικές εμφανίσεις μπορεί να μας οδηγήσουν να πιστεύουμε ότι έχουμε φθάσει σε μια κατάσταση σταθερότητας, ότι γίνονται αλλαγές, ότι προοδεύουμε και ότι βρισκόμαστε στο κατώφλι της χάρης. Στην πραγματικότητα, ωστόσο, τίποτε δεν έχει αλλάξει. Έχουμε απλώς αλλάξει τη θέση των επίπλων. Όλη αυτή η δραστηριότητα γίνεται στο νου, είναι ένα αποκύημα της φαντασίας. Το πράγμα είναι πολύ πιο απλό. Γιατί το κάνεις τόσο περίπλοκο; Αυτό που ουσιαστικά είσαι, είναι πάντα εδώ, είναι πάντα πλήρες. Δε χρειάζετα...

Ένας Ινδός Σωκράτης

Λυκαβηττός (1990)

Δεν είχα πρόθεση να γράψω ένα βιβλίο για τη διδασκαλία του Κυρίου Νισαργαντάττα Μαχαράτζ. Το υλικό που παρουσιάζεται σ' αυτόν τον τόμο προε'κυψε αυθόρμητα, υπαγορεύθηκε, με μια λεπτή έξαρση που φόρτισε το είναι μου, από μιαν ακαταμάχητη δύναμη, που δεν μπορούσα να την αρνηθώ. Δεν υπήρχε εναλλακτική λύση· έπρεπε να γράψω, να εκφράσω σε λεκτικό επίπεδο την αφηρημένη κατανόηση των λόγων του Διδασκάλου. Στην πραγματικότητα ήταν πιο πολύ σα να άκουγα παρά σα να έγραφα, μολονότι η πένα σχημάτιζε στο χαρτί μπροστά μου λέξεις και προτάσεις. [...] 1. Η απόδοση της διδασκαλίας του Μ...

Greek Food and Drink Book

Λυκαβηττός (1985)

Tom Stone's "Greek Food and Drink Book" is a how-to guide to eating in Greece. If, when in Greece, you venture into most of the country beyond "international cuisine," this gently opinionated little book will explain the kinds of food, wonderfully different from anything non-Mediterranean, you will encounter. 148 pages, with pronunciation guides throughout the text, appendices on useful phrases, weights and measures, and the Greek festive calendar, paperback.


Λυκαβηττός (1984)


Λυκαβηττός (1984)

Tom Stone's "Patmos" describes all the island's highpoints, from the medieval Monastery of St. John, justly famous for its library and beautiful view, and the medieval Monastery of the Apocalypse, containing the grotto where St. John received his revelations, to the multi-colored stones of Lambi in the north and the fine sand of Psiliamo in the south, extends his description to the small nearby islands of Lipsoi and Arkoi, and even tells the reader how to go on to Ephesus, in Turkey.

Doorway to Greece

Λυκαβηττός (1984)

"Doorway to Greece", by Mary Winterer-Papatassos, is a gentle introduction for foreigners to living in Greece, in three parts. Insights into Greek Ways contrasts traditional and contemporary practices, describes philotimo, the ingroup and the outgroup, shopping, and education. The Church Today describes the major role the Greek Church plays in modern Greek life. Greek History in Brief provides a brief, convenient description, from the Stone Age to PASOK.

Athens - Auschwitz

Λυκαβηττός (1983)

Errikos Sevillias was born in Athens in 1901 into a Sephardic family. He learned how to work in leather as a child and opened his own leather workshop when he was 16. From 1919 until 1923 he served in the Greek army, for three years fighting in Asia Minor. After the war he reopened his workshop, married, and had a daughter. Life, as he writes, "went along well" until he experienced "an inexplicable and unexpected great adventure," meaning Auschwitz. Errikos Sevillias was killed in Athens by a motorcycle in 1974, when he was 73 years old. The manuscript of this book was...


Λυκαβηττός (1980)

Christians in the Arab East

Λυκαβηττός (1978)


Λυκαβηττός (1977)
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