Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα

Αθ. Διάκου 42 652 01 Καβάλα

2510 831856

La bicicletta e la mongolfiera

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2015)

L’ acqua e la terra

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

Perch? dobbiamo litigare costantemente senza metterci un tantino a riflettere? In definitiva, questa ? la natura dell'uomo? E questi sono i cavalieri? Meno male che all'ultimo momento hanno messo cervello sia loro sia i loro re! La vita ? gioia e festa, non abbiamo da condividere qualcosa tra noi, tranne un buon pasto, una danza, una canzone e un abbraccio! Questo ? il mondo vero che mette alcuni in grande difficolt?!

Kanelis Explores Athens

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2013)

Our little story takes place in Athens. It starts with the realisation of a wish and takes off with the reader for a daytrip, flying over the important sights of the city of Athens, with the Parthenon being the highlight. Kanelis is a symbol of freedom, small in size but with great wishes. He flies joyfully, ponders and makes us ponder, moves us and enjoys the gift given to him by his good fortune. The little horse of Holargos has the chance -through conversations with various sculptures, a bell, a column and a flag- to learn wonderful things for the city and its histor...

Jordan and the little magic pencil

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

Through this fairytale "Jordan and the Little Magic Pencil" children will realise that language and dictation are like a game. Parents and teachers should help them understand the magical world of language, unlock it, and love it. In this effort little Jordan will be their assistant.

Il Viaggio Straordinario di Monsieur Verne

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2013)

Guess Who

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2015)

"Guess Who" is a collective piece of work, which is composed of eleven personal experiences, written by the group members themselves. The authors who share their insight, "narrate" in their own unique and heartfelt way, the problems and questions that today's society tries to impose on us. Maybe it's time to hear our voice? Careful, for you might find yourself confused... by their stories. Whose "voice" will you listen to?

GCSE Greek (9-1): Οδηγός επιτυχία

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2019)

Ένας οδηγός επιτυχίας για τους υποψηφίους της εξέτασης του GCSE για τα Ελληνικά (9-1) που εστιάζει σε πρακτικές και ουσιαστικές τεχνικές απάντησης των θεμάτων για όλες τις ενότητες της εξέτασης με απλά, ευκολομνημόνευτα βήματα. Ακολουθώντας τις τεχνικές που περιγράφονται, ο κάθε υποψήφιος μπορεί να είναι σίγουρος για την εγκυρότητα των απαντήσεών του και να εξοικονομήσει χρόνο κατά τη διάρκεια της εξέτασης που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει για τα πιο δύσκολα θέματα. Το βιβλίο είναι χωρισμένο σε τρεις ενότητες: Foundation tier, Higher tier και παραρτήματα που στόχο έχουν να...

Foreign Language Learning Strategy Instruction

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2015)

Foreign language learning strategy research has stimulated more than 40 years of constant academic interest during which scholars have acknowledged the contribution of strategies toward enhancing language competence, motivation, and language learning awareness. Language learning strategy instruction, however, has neither been extensively promoted by educationalists nor explicitly implemented by language teachers. Issues referring to how learners can know more about what strategies can do and how they can apply them in order to make their learning more effective remain relat...

First Pages

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

First Pages: dark feelings come to light, a confession before the end, forbidden dreams, trips, nightmares, personal and financial impasses, disappointment, fear, pain... All enclosed in this book. Nine stories, each one enlightening actions and situations of people hating, loving, separating, falling in love, yearning, disappointing, travelling, going insane, freaking out, despairing and hoping...

Elias in the Village of Uncle Euro

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

With the story "Elias in the Village of Uncle €uro" children will learn the value of money, especially in such financially difficult periods. They will understand that overconsumption does not correspond to the times we live. They will learn that if you want to have something you must dedicate time and effort. Money is not to spend incautiously but to save and use it to get only what you need.

Die Prostituierten des Denkens

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2017)

Dammerung. Angelehnt in einem verdreckten Pferch, die Augen nach oben gerichtet, sehnt sich ein Mann nach Licht. Wie eine goldene Liebkosung sendet eine nackte Gluhbirne ein gelbes Licht hinab. Die attraktive Figur hinter dem vorgezogenen Vorhang verwandelt sich in einem Schatten, der ihn uberallhin verfolgt. Die Figur ist zu einem Hirngespinst geworden, das ihn seines Verstandes beraubt -ein Traum und zugleich ein Alptraum.


Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

The Chimera was an ancient monster. It was composed of three animals, a lion, a snake and a goat. Nowadays by the term "Chimera" we usually mean something unattainable and distant. This short story collection deals with this theme. Anything that is unattainable becomes a matter of fantasy and a matter of desire. All the history of literature is a synecdoche of human craving for the invisible part of the world. But, as some philosophers claim, that invisible part may not even exist...

A Zebra Called Dottie

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2015)

Who's my dad? Why do all the other kids have a dad and I don't know who my dad is? What is the meaning of beauty? Am I beautiful? What should I do when kids make fun of me at school? Dottie the zebra, has all the answers! Enjoy the book, question it, or suggest your own answers.

A tale in yellow

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

A summer tale with a twist. The Yellow Princess finds herself in a far away island, flying on the back of a dragon. The island is filled with the scent of lemon trees... There, she will meet a love-struck prince, however the end is not the one you might expect... Yet again, Stefany Veldemiry's enchanting illustrations take readers on a journey to another world, where love conquers all.

A Rainbow Tangled up

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2014)

Urania, the rainbow fairy, was feeling very tired. A sudden rain shower down to Mani, then another up in Xanthi and she was running to unfold the rainbow ribbons from side to side. But apart from the distance that she had to cover, she had at the same time to cope with the caprices of every ribbon! However, she saw a gold gentle cloud and she decided to rest.

A Classroom Full of Imagination and Innovation

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2015)

Techniques, ideas, thoughts and activities that are not just part of imagination but rather easy and directly applicable into the frame of a classroom, at home or for the classroom outside the classroom. With all this material the author’s aim is to trigger both teachers and parents to work on the improvement of their teaching approaches in a systematic way and the design of their own original activities together with multimedia applications, based on their students’ uniqueness. These actions will promote mainly the creativity of the latter and their interest in learning...

5 ημέρες σιωπής

Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2015)

Το βιβλίο αυτό αποτελείται από δύο μέρη: το πρώτο μέρος είναι μία ιστορία για τον σχολικό εκφοβισμό και το δεύτερο μέρος είναι ένας οδηγός για γονείς ή/και εκπαιδευτικούς, όπου δίνονται απλές οδηγίες για το πώς μπορούμε να επεξεργαστούμε την ιστορία και το τι είναι η σχολική θυματοποίηση. Ηρωίδα της ιστορίας είναι η μικρή Δανάη, η οποία πέφτει θύμα σχολικού εκφοβισμού. Υποστηρικτής της γίνεται από ένα σημείο και μετά ο Φίλιππος, ένα αγόρι που στο παρελθόν είχε βιώσει και ο ίδιος κάτι αντίστοιχο.


Εκδόσεις Σαΐτα (2015)

240 δευτερόλεπτα ή 4 λεπτά. Αυτός είναι ο χρόνος που διαχωρίζει τον εγκεφαλικό θάνατο. Μεταφορικά μιλώντας, έναν θάνατο που μπορεί να προέλθει και από την αποστροφή για την ανάγνωση και την απουσία του βιβλίου γενικότερα στη ζωή μας. 24 διηγήματα με κεντρικό τους θέμα την αξία της Λογοτεχνίας και την απόλαυση της ανάγνωσης δημιουργούνται μέσα από αναμνήσεις του φωτογραφικού φακού εννέα φωτογράφων, παλεύοντας να συνυπάρξουν πλάι στη δύναμη της εικόνας.

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