Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως"

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως"

Νιόβης 12, 112 52 Αθήνα

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Απάνθισμα ουρανίων διδασκαλιών

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (1988)

Αλκαίος: Διδάγματα ουρανίων διδασκάλων

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (1984)

Συνομιλίες με μεγάλους διδασκάλους,... διδάγματα από φωτεινά πνεύματα του Ουρανού,... εντρύφηση σε ορισμένα από τα Μυστήρια του σύμπαντος... Ο αδελφός Αλκαίος - Νικήτας Στρατηγόπουλος, αποδημήσας την 30ή Ιουνίου 1967, έρχεται μετά την παρέλευση 3 μηνών σε επαφή με τα προσφιλή του εν ζωή πρόσωπα και συνιδρυτές του Κέντρου αυτού, κάνοντας χρήση της ασφαλούς αυτής οδού και κατόπιν ειδικής αδείας από τους Αρχηγούς του Πνευματικού Κόσμου... Διαπρεπής άλλοτε δικηγόρος παρ' Αρείω Πάγω,... τώρα από την Ουράνια Πολιτεία πια μεταδίδει σ' εμάς άγνωστα σημεία από τη ζωή και εκπαίδευση...

The Last Days of Jesus

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (2005)

An impressive, lyrical and beautifully documented outburst of faith, this inspired work by the poet and historian Anastasios - Milanos Stratigopoulos speaks about the Divine Drama.The passions of the Holy Week, the agony before the martyrdom, the walk towards the crucifixion and the triumph of Life over Death unfold before our eyes and are examined deeply with the lyricism of the sentiment.After reading this book, the mystery and magnitude of the sacrifice of the Savior, the mystical aura enveloping Jesus and the divine supernatural forces that protected him as the Myst of...

The Apocryphal Years of Jesus

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (2006)

Spiritualism and Human Evolution

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (2007)

Orpheus' Concise Interpretation of Greek Mythology

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (2012)

The ancient poet and mystic Orpheus clarifies for the first time esoteric symbols of Greek Mythology... The actions and eroticism of Gods, the labors of Hercules, the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Argonauts - are among others explained through the prism of natural symbolism and historical reality... This work reveals the spiritual treasure of Greek Mythology, which contains the true philosophy disguised in various forms and symbols with unmatched depth.

Incorruptible Discourses

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (1985)

Great and known entities on Earth - holding also a high position in the White State - Socrates, Confucius, Plato, Plutarch, V. Hugo, Newton, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Pythagoras, Homer, Schiller, Goethe, Beethoven, to mention a few, "parade" in this unique work giving, posthumously, valuable lessons and uniting their voices for the message of the coming of a New World...A New, unquenchable Spring of Divine Light has been created, and the medium for this are the current texts. It will not be long until man - having been awakened - will stand worthy next to his Creator, carryin...

Incorruptible Discourses

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (2011)

Great and known entities on Earth - holding also a high position in the White State - Socrates, Confucius, Plato, Plutarch, V. Hugo, Newton, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Pythagoras, Homer, Schiller, Goethe, Beethoven, to mention a few, "parade" in this unique work giving, posthumously, valuable lessons and uniting their voices for the message of the coming of a New World...A New, unquenchable Spring of Divine Light has been created, and the medium for this are the current texts. It will not be long until man - having been awakened - will stand worthy next to his Creator, carryin...

Homer: Man and Peace

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (1995)

With the sweetness and clarity of his word, Homer - this great "paternal" figure of the ancient greek times - transmits, posthumously, wisdom from the Heavenly Kingdom.The so-called "Gospel of Heaven" is a spiritual heritage to all humanity. In its 201 teachings, this work touches on various subjects, all necessary for the evolution of both the soul and the spirit of each entity...As a pure spiritualistic work, it gives concrete pictures of what is the Spiritual World,... clear answers - for the first time - on the higher purpose of our earthly incarnation,... directions an...

Hippocrates: Spiritual Medicine

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (2013)

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, is the Leader of the Society of Invisible Doctors in Heaven. As a Spirit now he gives invaluable lessons to humanity on a wide spectrum of medical issues, including explanations on phenomena concerning the human organism and its health. From the usage of herbs in curing diseases to the nature of cancer. From Spirit Doctors to the poisons of modern lifestyle for man's health. Hippocrates explains how the medical profession has taken the wrong direction by seeking material profit. Modern doctors should first have humanitarian values...

Concentration and Spiritualism

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (2001)

Complementary work for those who want to extend their knowledge about Spiritualism and its practical aspect, which finds application on the teachings of the great Yogis with concentration, divine current (prana), and meditation...Introductory for those who want to learn about and initiate in Yoga and its practices... Necessary for those who already practice it... The compilation of this work was attended by the great teacher of Indies, Mahatma Gandhi, while complementary lessons were given by other great teachers like Socrates, Homer and Hippocrates.Through simple-to-apply...

Archimedes and Solon The Athenian: the Lost Civilization of Atlantis

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (2009)

Archimedes and Solon of Athens: The lost Civilization of Antlantis

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (1988)

A distant, forgotten continent in the dawn of time...Its name became a legend, its history was lost somewhere between truth and fantasy...In this unique, authentic recount, pages from the daily life of Atlantis come to light for the first time... Days of unprecedented well-being, as well as moral decline...A time of unequalled technical achievements but also of a softening of the morals...Solon the Athenian and Archimedes having pre-existed - in different time periods - in this legendary continent, enlighten us about all these, until now unknown matters of the Atlantean civ...

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