Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική

Χαρ. Τρικούπη 56-58 106 80 Αθήνα

210 3640235


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2010)


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2012)

Ville de l' esprit et de la democratie!


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

- The history of the city's buildings and most important monuments with reconstructions so that "then" complements "now" - The most important exhibits at the Acropolis Museum and the National Archaelogical Museum


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2010)


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2012)

City of Intellectual achievement and democracy!

Athens (Chinese)

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Athens (Japanese)

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Corinth, Mycenae, Tiryns, Epidauros

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

The most important monuments with reconstructions so that the "then" complements the "now". The civilizations that flourished in the Peloponnese from the Mycenaean, Classical, Roman, Byzantine and Frankish periods. Tours of the archaeological sites and their museums.

Corinthe, Mycènes, Tirynthe, Epidaure

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Les monuments les plus importants avec des reproductions afin que le "autrefois" complete le "maintenant". Les cevilisations qui ont prospere dans le Peloponnese a l' epoque mycenienne, classique, romaine, byzantine et franque. Une visite des sites archeologiques et de leurs musees.

Corinto, Micenas, Tirinto, Epidauro

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Reconstrucciones de los monumentos mas importantes de modo que el "ahora" sea completado por el "ayer". Las civilizaciones que florecieron en al Peloponeso en las epocas micenica, clasica, romana, bizantina y durante la ocupacion de los francos. Visita quiada por los sitios arqueologicos y los museos.

Corinto, Micenas, Tirinto, Epidauro

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Os monumentos mais importantes com reproducoes que permitem que o outrora complete o hoje. As culturas que floresceram em Peloponeso desde a epoca micenica, classic, romana, bizantina e franca. Visita a locais arqueologicos e aos seus museus.

Corinto, Micene, Tirinto, Epidauro

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

I monumenti piu importanti con ricostruzioni, in modo che I "allora" completi I "ora". Le civilta che fiorirono nel Peloponneso dall' epoca micenea, classic, romana, bizantina e franca. Visita ai siti archeologici e rispettivi Musei.


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

- Presentation of the most important monuments with reconstructions so that "then" complements "now" - The most significant exhibits of the Delphi Museum.


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

Delphi (Japanese)

Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2012)
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