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L' Odyssée

Σίγμα (2001)

Il s’agit d’une large retrospective de l’Odyssee d’Homere ou une place tres importante est donnee aux passages les plus poetiques, les plus interessants et les plus philosophiques de ce chef-d’oeuvre dont l’extraordinaire imagination ne lasse de charmer petits et grands depuis les temps antiques jusqu’a nos jours et qui nous enseigne "qu’il n’y a rien de plus doux au monde que famille et patrie".

Ödipus tragödien

Σίγμα (2002)

Ob Sophokles ahnte, dass er mit "Konig Odipus" die erste und vielleicht spannendste Kriminalgeschichte der Welt schrieb?

Sappho, Twelve Poems

Σίγμα (2004)

Everything Sappho's work which has come down to us gives off the same fragrance compounded of sunlight, love, the sea and women, the same intoxicating scent of feelings as that which perfumes a single half-obliterated word in the margin of her writings. It is on such words and fragments of verses that I have chiefly concentrated, since the mystery which surrounds them has the same effect as a transparent veil casually thrown over shapely limbs, or the last remaining patches of a masterly wall painting, allowing the vividest imagination free rein. On her dreamlike island of...

The Cat and the Bear-Cub

Σίγμα (1995)

The Dress that Went into a Walnut

Σίγμα (1998)
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