Grivas Publications

Grivas Publications

Δωρίδος & Σ. Μουστακλή 4 122 42 Αθήνα

210 5573470

Preliminary Tests for the Michigan Proficiency

Grivas Publications (2001)

Certificate of Proficiency in English. It provides thorough coverage of the most important structural and lexical items tested. Comprehensive grounding in these areas instills confidence in candidates and equips them with the konwledge required to achieve their goal.

Practice Tests for the Michigan ECCE

Grivas Publications (2003)

Practice tests for the Michigan ECCE contains six complete practice tests for the University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English. The tests are representative of what students will encouter in the examination itself. Included in the tests are all the language phenomena which are frequently tested, and which are considered essential for success in examinations at this level. The tests were written following thorough research into past examinations.

Passwort Deutsch 1 und 2

Grivas Publications (2002)

To Passwort Deutsch Begleitheft περιέχει τη γραμματική όπως επίσης τις λέξεις και τις εκφράσεις του Passwort Deutsch 1& 2 από τις ενότητες 1 έως 12.

Passing the University Entrance Exams

Grivas Publications (1996)

Passing the University Exams has been designed to prepare students for the national examination to enter the Greek university system. This book will give candidates a thorough preparation for the examination and will also help them to develop their writing skills in a broader sense, and so better prepare them for university study.

Oral and Listening Practice 2

Grivas Publications (1994)

"Oral and listening practice", book 1 (class D) and book 2 (class E) present an exhaustive and interesting range of tasks, inclusive of exercises based on authentic material. The 25 units in each book contain: -everyday conversations -place and character descriptions -telephone conversations and answering machine messages -radio and TV talks, programmes, interviews, weather forecasts, news broadcasts, sports commentaries, etc. -application forms, coupons, cards etc. -timetables and charts -road maps, building plans, diagrams, directions etc. -news headlines, TV gu...

Oral and Listening Practice 1

Grivas Publications (1994)

"Oral and listening practice", book 1 (class D) and book 2 (class E) present an exhaustive and interesting range of tasks, inclusive of exercises based on authentic material. The 25 units in each book contain: -everyday conversations -place and character descriptions -telephone conversations and answering machine messages -radio and TV talks, programmes, interviews, weather forecasts, news broadcasts, sports commentaries, etc. -application forms, coupons, cards etc. -timetables and charts -road maps, building plans, diagrams, directions etc. -news headlines, TV gu...

Oral and Listening Practice 1

Grivas Publications (1994)

"Oral and listening practice", book 1 (class D) and book 2 (class E) present an exhaustive and interesting range of tasks, inclusive of exercises based on authentic material. The 25 units in each book contain: -everyday conversations -place and character descriptions -telephone conversations and answering machine messages -radio and TV talks, programmes, interviews, weather forecasts, news broadcasts, sports commentaries, etc. -application forms, coupons, cards etc. -timetables and charts -road maps, building plans, diagrams, directions etc. -news headlines, TV gu...

Open up through English 2

Grivas Publications (1997)

"Open up through english" is a two-level beginners' junior course designed to motivate children to start learning english. The series: -was planned, written and illustrated for Greek children who have specific foreign language needs -motivates children to learn english through texts and tasks that provide them with new knowledge about their world -helps children develop EFL communication skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening -is based on a educational approach that allows for a variety of teaching styles and learning strategies.

Open up through English 2

Grivas Publications (1997)

"Open up through english" is a two-level beginners' junior course designed to motivate children to start learning english. The series: -was planned, written and illustrated for Greek children who have specific foreign language needs -motivates children to learn english through texts and tasks that provide them with new knowledge about their world -helps children develop EFL communication skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening -is based on a educational approach that allows for a variety of teaching styles and learning strategies.

Open up through English 2

Grivas Publications (1997)

Open up through English 2

Grivas Publications (1997)

"Open up through english" is a two-level beginners' junior course designed to motivate children to start learning english. The series: -was planned, written and illustrated for Greek children who have specific foreign language needs -motivates children to learn english through texts and tasks that provide them with new knowledge about their world -helps children develop EFL communication skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening -is based on a educational approach that allows for a variety of teaching styles and learning strategies.

Open up through English 1

Grivas Publications (1997)

"Open up through english" is a two-level beginners' junior course designed to motivate children to start learning english. The series: -was planned, written and illustrated for Greek children who have specific foreign language needs -motivates children to learn english through texts and tasks that provide them with new knowledge about their world -helps children develop EFL communication skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening -is based on a educational approach that allows for a variety of teaching styles and learning strategies.

Open up through English 1

Grivas Publications (1997)

"Open up through english" is a two-level beginners' junior course designed to motivate children to start learning english. The series: -was planned, written and illustrated for Greek children who have specific foreign language needs -motivates children to learn english through texts and tasks that provide them with new knowledge about their world -helps children develop EFL communication skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening -is based on a educational approach that allows for a variety of teaching styles and learning strategies.

Open up through English 1

Grivas Publications (1997)

Open up through English 1

Grivas Publications (1997)

"Open up through english" is a two-level beginners' junior course designed to motivate children to start learning english. The series: -was planned, written and illustrated for Greek children who have specific foreign language needs -motivates children to learn english through texts and tasks that provide them with new knowledge about their world -helps children develop EFL communication skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening -is based on a educational approach that allows for a variety of teaching styles and learning strategies.

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