Grivas Publications

Grivas Publications

Δωρίδος & Σ. Μουστακλή 4 122 42 Αθήνα

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Guided Composition and Letter Writing 1

Grivas Publications (1999)

Composition is too often the area where students lack confidence because they are on their own and have no guidelines on which to base their work. Creative writing demands a good knowledge and awareness, a special ability to present facts and ideas clearly, concisely and attractively. It is true that you cannot teach students to write, any more than you can teach them to paint, but you can definitely guide them to develop a technique. The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corres...

Guided Composition and Letter Writing

Grivas Publications (2000)

Composition is too often the area where students lack confidence because they are on their own and have no guidelines on which to base their work. Creative writing demands a good knowledge and awareness, a special ability to present facts and ideas clearly, concisely and attractively. It is true that you cannot teach students to write, any more than you can teach them to paint, but you can definitely guide them to develop a technique. The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corres...

Guided Composition and Letter Writing

Grivas Publications (2000)

Composition is too often the area where students lack confidence because they are on their own and have no guidelines on which to base their work. Creative writing demands a good knowledge and awareness, a special ability to present facts and ideas clearly, concisely and attractively. It is true that you cannot teach students to write, any more than you can teach them to paint, but you can definitely guide them to develop a technique. The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corres...

Grammar Today 4

Grivas Publications (2002)

This new and modern English grammar series has been specially designed with the Greek student of English in mind. It covers four levels: 1. Beginner [class A] 2. Elementary [class B] 3. Pre-Intermediate [class C] 4. Indermediate [class D]. It is distinctive in that it presents grammar in a straightforward way, which benefits both student and teacher.

Grammar Today 4

Grivas Publications (2002)

This new and modern English grammar series has been specially designed with the Greek student of English in mind. It covers four levels: 1. Beginner [class A] 2. Elementary [class B] 3. Pre-Intermediate [class C] 4. Indermediate [class D]. It is distinctive in that it presents grammar in a straightforward way, which benefits both student and teacher.

Grammar Today 3

Grivas Publications (2002)

This new and modern English grammar series has been specially designed with the Greek student of English in mind. It covers four levels: 1. Beginner [class A] 2. Elementary [class B] 3. Pre-Intermediate [class C] 4. Indermediate [class D] It is distinctive in that it presents grammar in a straightforward way, which benefits both student and teacher.

Grammar Today 3

Grivas Publications (2002)

This new and modern English grammar series has been specially designed with the Greek student of English in mind. It covers four levels: 1. Beginner [class A] 2. Elementary [class B] 3. Pre-Intermediate [class C] 4. Indermediate [class D] It is distinctive in that it presents grammar in a straightforward way, which benefits both student and teacher.

Grammar Today 2

Grivas Publications (2002)

This new and modern English grammar series has been specially designed with the Greek student of English in mind. It covers four levels: 1. Beginner [class A] 2. Elementary [class B] 3. Pre-Intermediate [class C] 4. Indermediate [class D]. It is distinctive in that it presents grammar in a straightforward way, which benefits both student and teacher.

Grammar Today 2

Grivas Publications (2002)

This new and modern English grammar series has been specially designed with the Greek student of English in mind. It covers four levels: 1. Beginner [class A] 2. Elementary [class B] 3. Pre-Intermediate [class C] 4. Indermediate [class D]. It is distinctive in that it presents grammar in a straightforward way, which benefits both student and teacher.

Grammar Today 1

Grivas Publications (2002)

This new and modern English grammar series has been specially designed with the Greek student of English in mind. It covers four levels: 1. Beginner [class A] 2. Elementary [class B] 3. Pre-Intermediate [class C] 4. Indermediate [class D]. It is distinctive in that it presents grammar in a straightforward way, which benefits both student and teacher.

Grammar Today 1

Grivas Publications (2002)

This new and modern English grammar series has been specially designed with the Greek student of English in mind. It covers four levels: 1. Beginner [class A] 2. Elementary [class B] 3. Pre-Intermediate [class C] 4. Indermediate [class D]. It is distinctive in that it presents grammar in a straightforward way, which benefits both student and teacher.

Grammar and Structure for the ECPE: Student's Book

Grivas Publications (2009)

Grammar and Structure for the ECPE is a new book for students preparing for the Michigan proficiency examination. Its purpose is to provide students with extensive coverage of the intricacies of English usage and prepare them for the demands of the examination. Grammar and Structure for the ECPE includes clear and precise presentation of: - all grammatical phenomena, followed by ample practice, in the style of the examination. - special grammar phenomena and set phrases that often appear in the examination. - areas of the language where mistakes are commonly made....

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