Grivas Publications

Grivas Publications

Δωρίδος & Σ. Μουστακλή 4 122 42 Αθήνα

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Key Tests for the Michigan ECCE

Grivas Publications (2001)

Key tests for the Michigan ECCE (University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English) provides invaluable practice for candidates and covers all sections of the exam. Key features are: - A concise, yet comprehensive grammar presentation focusing on commonly-tested phenomena, followed by exercises to consolidate the theory. - Six complete level-appropriate practice tests, which have been compiled following close evaluation of past examinations. - Speaking tests which, in conjuction with supplementary oral practice, cover the topics most common...

Key Tests for the Michigan ECCE

Grivas Publications (2001)

Key tests for the Michigan ECCE (University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English) provides invaluable practice for candidates and covers all sections of the exam. Key features are: - A concise, yet comprehensive grammar presentation focusing on commonly-tested phenomena, followed by exercises to consolidate the theory. - Six complete level-appropriate practice tests, which have been compiled following close evaluation of past examinations. - Speaking tests which, in conjuction with supplementary oral practice, cover the topics most common...

Interview Practice 2

Grivas Publications (1989)

These Cambridge First Certificate and Proficiency books have been designed to provide candidates with thorough preparation for the interview examination. Firstly, vocabulary is presented in contex, through meaningful and authentic discussions of contemporary themes. This facilitates the learning of words and phrases relating to topics of interest. Secondly, students' oral preparation is fostered by various carefully constructed prompts required for discussion. Thus, rather than merely testing students' lexical knowledge and ability to express themselves, these books offer...

Interview Practice 2

Grivas Publications (1990)

These Cambridge First Certificate and Proficiency books have been designed to provide candidates with thorough preparation for the interview examination. Firstly, vocabulary is presented in contex, through meaningful and authentic discussions of contemporary themes. This facilitates the learning of words and phrases relating to topics of interest. Secondly, students' oral preparation is fostered by various carefully constructed prompts required for discussion. Thus, rather than merely testing students' lexical knowledge and ability to express themselves, these books offer...

Interview Practice 1

Grivas Publications (1989)

These Cambridge First Certificate and Proficiency books have been designed to provide candidates with thorough preparation for the interview examination. Firstly, vocabulary is presented in contex, through meaningful and authentic discussions of contemporary themes. This facilitates the learning of words and phrases relating to topics of interest. Secondly, students' oral preparation is fostered by various carefully constructed prompts required for discussion. Thus, rather than merely testing students' lexical knowledge and ability to express themselves, these books offer...

Interview Practice 1

Grivas Publications (1990)

These Cambridge First Certificate and Proficiency books have been designed to provide candidates with thorough preparation for the interview examination. Firstly, vocabulary is presented in contex, through meaningful and authentic discussions of contemporary themes. This facilitates the learning of words and phrases relating to topics of interest. Secondly, students' oral preparation is fostered by various carefully constructed prompts required for discussion. Thus, rather than merely testing students' lexical knowledge and ability to express themselves, these books offer...


Grivas Publications (2002)

The Pupil’s Book is made up of 30 units, each divided into two parts: Lessons a and b. Pupils begin by learning the alphabet at a very gradual pace and then learn sample words for each letter. Then they learn simple words and phrases and build up their vocabulary through activities, songs, games and rhymes at a pace suitable for young language learners.


Grivas Publications (2001)

The Activity Book contains a variety of entertaining activities which will help students to learn more easily. It contains a wealth of simple exercises, games and puzzles designed for this age group. Also, the use of stickers makes learning new words both exciting and stimulating. The book contains 69 stickers.


Grivas Publications (1997)

The Teacher’s Book provides full guidance on lesson presentation in step-by-step form for both the Pupil’s and Activity Books. It also provides ideas for warm-up activities, an important part of pre-junior classroom teaching. It makes suggestions for additional activities, and provides photocopiable material for the teacher’s use.

Gvr Skills ECCE Plus-Use Of Engl & Read Skills FCE

Grivas Publications (2008)

Gvr Plus Gramm Voc Read Companion

Grivas Publications (2008)

Guided Composition and Letter Writing 3

Grivas Publications (1987)

Composition is too often the area where students lack confidence because they are on their own and have no guidelines on which to base their work. Creative writing demands a good knowledge and awareness, a special ability to present facts and ideas clearly, concisely and attractively. It is true that you cannot teach students to write, any more than you can teach them to paint, but you can definitely guide them to develop a technique. The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corres...

Guided Composition and Letter Writing 2

Grivas Publications (2000)

Composition is too often the area where students lack confidence because they are on their own and have no guidelines on which to base their work. Creative writing demands a good knowledge and awareness, a special ability to present facts and ideas clearly, concisely and attractively. It is true that you cannot teach students to write, any more than you can teach them to paint, but you can definitely guide them to develop a technique. The aim of this series is to help students to write compositions and letters by first studying the models and then by going over the corres...

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