Grivas Publications

Grivas Publications

Δωρίδος & Σ. Μουστακλή 4 122 42 Αθήνα

210 5573470

Sky, Junior A

Grivas Publications (2000)

Sky, Junior A

Grivas Publications (2000)

Sky (Junior A) and Skyline (Junior B) are simple and attractive series for young learners of English who learn best by working, playing, singing and doing exercises and puzzles together. They provide ample opportunity for pupils to collaborate, interact, express opinions and enjoy themselves while starting to learn English. These fun courses for young learners have been specifically designed and researched to cater for the needs of junior pupils and to ensure the progressive development of language skills. Beginning with familiarisation and formation of the alphabet, pupi...

Sky, Junior A

Grivas Publications (2001)

Sky (Junior A) and Skyline (Junior B) are simple and attractive series for young learners of English who learn best by working, playing, singing and doing exercises and puzzles together. They provide ample opportunity for pupils to collaborate, interact, express opinions and enjoy themselves while starting to learn English. These fun courses for young learners have been specifially designed and researched to cater for the needs of junior pupils and to ensure the progressive development of language skills. Beginning with familiarization and formation of the alphabet, pupil...

Sky, junior A

Grivas Publications (2001)

Sky (Junior A) and Skyline (Junior B) are simple and attractive series for young learners of English who learn best by working, playing, singing and doing exercises and puzzles together. They provide ample opportunity for pupils to collaborate, interact, express opinions and enjoy themselves while starting to learn English. These fun courses for young learners have been specifically designed and researched to cater for the needs of junior pupils and to ensure the progressive development of language skills. Beginning with familiarisation and formation of the alphabet, pupi...

Sky, Junior A

Grivas Publications (2002)

Sky (Junior A) and Skyline (Junior B) are simple and attractive series for young learners of English who learn best by working, playing, singing and doing exercises and puzzles together. They provide ample opportunity for pupils to collaborate, interact, express opinions and enjoy themselves while starting to learn English. These fun courses for young learners have been specifically designed and researched to cater for the needs of junior pupils and to ensure the progressive development of language skills. Beginning with familiarisation and formation of the alphabet, pupi...

Skyline, junior B

Grivas Publications (2002)

Sky (Junior A) and Skyline (Junior B) are simple and attractive series for young learners of English who learn best by working, playing, singing and doing exercises and puzzles together. They provide ample opportunity for pupils to collaborate, interact, express opinions and enjoy themselves while starting to learn English. These fun courses for young learners have been specifically designed and researched to cater for the needs of junior pupils and to ensure the progressive development of language skills. Beginning with familiarisation and formation of the alphabet, pupi...

Skyline, Junior B

Grivas Publications (2001)

Sky (Junior A) and Skyline (Junior B) are simple and attractive series for young learners of English who learn best by working, playing, singing and doing exercises and puzzles together. They provide ample opportunity for pupils to collaborate, interact, express opinions and enjoy themselves while starting to learn English. These fun courses for young learners have been specifically designed and researched to cater for the needs of junior pupils and to ensure the progressive development of language skills. Beginning with familiarisation and formation of the alphabet, pupi...

Skyline, Junior B

Grivas Publications (2001)

Sky (Junior A) and Skyline (Junior B) are simple and attractive series for young learners of English who learn best by working, playing, singing and doing exercises and puzzles together. They provide ample opportunity for pupils to collaborate, interact, express opinions and enjoy themselves while starting to learn English. These fun courses for young learners have been specifically designed and researched to cater for the needs of junior pupils and to ensure the progressive development of language skills. Beginning with familiarisation and formation of the alphabet, pupi...

Skyline, Junior B

Grivas Publications (2001)

Skyline, Junior B

Grivas Publications (2001)

Sky (Junior A) and Skyline (Junior B) are simple and attractive series for young learners of English who learn best by working, playing, singing and doing exercises and puzzles together. They provide ample opportunity for pupils to collaborate, interact, express opinions and enjoy themselves while starting to learn English. These fun courses for young learners have been specifically designed and researched to cater for the needs of junior pupils and to ensure the progressive development of language skills. Beginning with familiarisation and formation of the alphabet, pupi...

So geht's

Grivas Publications (2001)

So geht's: -Training der vier sprachlichen Fertigkeiten -Wortschatzarbeit in jeder Einheit jeweils mit Themenbezug -breites Themenspektrum -Aufgabentypen des Zertifikat Deutsch: Leseverstehen, Horverstehen, Briefeschreiben und mundlicher Ausdruck -15 Einheiten, die in drei Stufen zum Zertifikat Deutsch fuhren: leicht, mittelschwer, Zertifikatsniveau

So geht's

Grivas Publications (2001)

So geht's: -Training der vier sprachlichen Fertigkeiten -Wortschatzarbeit in jeder Einheit jeweils mit Themenbezug -breites Themenspektrum -Aufgabentypen des Zertifikat Deutsch: Leseverstehen, Horverstehen, Briefeschreiben und mundlicher Ausdruck -15 Einheiten, die in drei Stufen zum Zertifikat Deutsch fuhren: leicht, mittelschwer, Zertifikatsniveau

So geht's

Grivas Publications (2002)

So geht's Begleitheft Deutsch-Griechisch Sprachbausteine und Glossar -enthalt parallel zu den Einheiten im "So geht's- Fertigkeitentraining Grundstufe Deutsch" Ubungsbuch die Ubungen zum Prufungsteil "Sprachbausteine". -bietet einen kompakten Uberblick uber den relevanten Grammatikstoff fur den Prufungsteil "Sprachbausteine" zum Nachschlagen und Wiederholen. -enthalt den Wortschatz des "So geht's-Fertigkeitentraining Grundstufe Deutsch" Ubungsbuchs mit der entsprechenden griechischen Ubersetzung nach Einheiten und erstem Auftreten geordnet.

Speak and Write Through Pictures:Student's Book

Grivas Publications (2009)

Speak and Write through pictures is an exciting new book for young learners of English (Classes A / B) which focuses on both speaking and writing skills. The purpose of the book is to help students develop their oral and written skills in English through the use of pictures. These lively engaging pictures cover a wide range of age-related topics and include elements of humour and adventure so as to arouse student's interest and stimulate their imagination. Through carefully-graded units, students practise simple structures and gradually progress to more complex sentences...

Speaking and Listening 1

Grivas Publications (2001)

Speaking and Listening 1

Grivas Publications (2001)

Speaking and Listening for the revised CPE examination is a two-book series designed to cater for the entire needs of CPE candidates. The overal aim of the series is to develop candidates' speaking and listening skills and reinforce accumulated knowledge, enabling them to approach the new Cambridge Proficiency examination with confidence. This teacher / student-friendly series covers, on a thematic basis, the full range of interview topics specified by UCLES. Each topic is explored in detail, from a variety of interesting and thought-provoking angles, preparing candidates...

Speaking and Listening 2

Grivas Publications (2002)

Speaking and Listening for the revised CPE examination is a two-book series designed to cater for the entire needs of CPE candidates. The overal aim of the series is to develop candidates' speaking and listening skills and reinforce accumulated knowledge, enabling them to approach the new Cambridge Proficiency examination with confidence. This teacher / student-friendly series covers, on a thematic basis, the full range of interview topics specified by UCLES. Each topic is explored in detail, from a variety of interesting and thought-provoking angles, preparing candidates...

Speaking and Listening 2

Grivas Publications (2002)

Speaking and Listening for the revised CPE examination is a two-book series designed to cater for the entire needs of CPE candidates. The overal aim of the series is to develop candidates' speaking and listening skills and reinforce accumulated knowledge, enabling them to approach the new Cambridge Proficiency examination with confidence. This teacher / student-friendly series covers, on a thematic basis, the full range of interview topics specified by UCLES. Each topic is explored in detail, from a variety of interesting and thought-provoking angles, preparing candidates...

Speaking Listening & Writing Skills ECCE-FCE 2008

Grivas Publications (2008)
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