

Ελευθερίου Βενιζέλου 13 185 47 Νέο Φάληρο

210 3811815


Explorer (2005)

- Visitez l' ile du mythe et de l'histoire, la montagne ou Zeus est eleve, les lieux ou s'est trouvee Europe, le palais de Minos et de Pasiphae. - Partez a la decouverte des villes et des villages a l'architecture originale et des monuments nombreux et interessants, profitez des plages et des beautes naturelles, informez-vous sur la culture populaire et la litterature de la Crete. Des informations utiles sur le sejour, la nourriture et les divertissements dans un lieu a meme de vous offrir une grande veriete de vacances.


Explorer (2005)

-Tour the island with its unique, diverse landscape, vast seascape, rocky coastline, plateaus and ravinescored mountains, lush vegetation and bare rock, busy seaside resorts and remote spots. -Visit the island of myth and history, the mountains where Zeus was raised, the land of the nymph Europa, the palace of Minos and Queen Pasiphae. -Get to know both towns and villages with their unique architecture and numerous monuments of interest, relax on beautiful beaches, and learn about the folk culture and literature of Crete. -Find useful information about accommodation, foo...


Explorer (2004)

- Tour the Acropolis of Athens, monument of the World Cultural Heritage. - Tour the Athenian ancient agora step by step, learning the history of the Athenian State, the first democracy of the world. - Learn about Kerameikos, the public cemetery of Athens, and birthplace of Attic ceramics and pottery painting. - Read about the Theatre of Dionysus, the Herodes Atticus Odeion, the Panathenaic Stadium. - Visit the National Archeological Museum, one of the most important museums of the world, as well as the rest of Athenian museums, thus knowing the classical civilization in...


Explorer (2003)

- A detailed trip to Argosaronic Islands and Methana, with aerial photos of the islands' most beautiful spots - History, environment, nautical tradition, architecture, culture and traditions - Detailed descriptions of archeological sites, museums and monuments of history with sketches and photographs - The islands' most beautiful beaches and useful information about the trip and your stay - Detailed map of each island, useful phone-numbers, navigation instructions for sailors

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