Modern Times

Modern Times

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Sudoku για όλους 2

Modern Times (2006)

Η νέα τρέλα που κατέκτησε τους απανταχού λάτρεις των παιχνιδιών λογικής ονομάζεται sudoku. Όπως όλες οι μεγάλες δημοφιλείς σπαζοκεφαλιές, έτσι, και το sudoku βασίζεται σε μια απλή ιδέα. Το παιχνίδι αποτελείται από ένα πλέγμα 81 τετραγώνων, με πιο έντονες γραμμές που το χωρίζουν σε 9 τετράγωνα (3χ3). Σκοπός του παιχνιδιού είναι να γεμίσει ο παίκτης τα κενά τετράγωνα με αριθμούς, έτσι ώστε κάθε σειρά, είτε οριζόντια είτε κάθετα, και κάθε 3χ3 τετράγωνο να περιέχει τους αριθμούς από το 1 έως το 9 μία μόνο φορά. Το μόνο που χρειάζεται είναι κοινή λογική. Σε αυτή την ολοκληρωμέ...

Sudoku για όλους

Modern Times (2006)

Η νέα τρέλα που κατέκτησε τους απανταχού λάτρεις των παιχνιδιών λογικής ονομάζεται sudoku. Όπως όλες οι μεγάλες δημοφιλείς σπαζοκεφαλιές, έτσι, και το sudoku βασίζεται σε μια απλή ιδέα. Το παιχνίδι αποτελείται από ένα πλέγμα 81 τετραγώνων, με πιο έντονες γραμμές που το χωρίζουν σε 9 τετράγωνα (3χ3). Σκοπός του παιχνιδιού είναι να γεμίσει ο παίκτης τα κενά τετράγωνα με αριθμούς, έτσι ώστε κάθε σειρά, είτε οριζόντια είτε κάθετα, και κάθε 3χ3 τετράγωνο να περιέχει τους αριθμούς από το 1 έως το 9 μία μόνο φορά. Το μόνο που χρειάζεται είναι κοινή λογική. Σε αυτή την ολοκληρωμέ...

Star wars

Modern Times (1999)

Star wars

Modern Times (1999)

Star wars

Modern Times (1999)

Star wars

Modern Times (1999)

Smart Baby, Vegetables

Modern Times (2007)

Βunnies eat many carrots. Let's paint nutritious vegetables with a little help from Smart Baby!

Smart Baby, Transport

Modern Times (2007)

Can you ride a bicycle or drive a car? Propably not, but I'm sure you can help Smart Baby colour various means of transportation!

Smart Baby, Toys

Modern Times (2007)

Smart Baby plays with beautiful toys, and paints them blue, green and yellow... Let's paint out favourite toys with more colours!

Smart Baby, Shapes

Modern Times (2007)

Circle, triangle, square... What do these words mean? Let's find out by painting various shapes and forms with a little help from Smart Baby!

Smart Baby, Numbers

Modern Times (2007)

One pear, two oranges, three pigs, four balls and five sweaters! Let's paint numbers with a little help from Smart Baby!

Smart Baby, Home

Modern Times (2007)

A soft pillow, a comfortable armchair... Let's colour various objects around the house with a little help from Smart Baby!

Smart Baby, Fruit

Modern Times (2007)

Smart Baby knows that every season offers its own fruit. Let's paint fresh fruit using the right colours, and then drink some orange juicee!

Smart Baby, Colours

Modern Times (2007)

Red, yellow and blue can be mixed to create more colours! Let's paint some wonderful pictures with a little help from Smart Baby!

Smart Baby, Clothes

Modern Times (2007)

What Kind of clothes do you wear? Don't you wish you could pick their colours? Well, now you can, with a little help from Smart Baby!

Smart Baby, Animals

Modern Times (2007)

Do you have a pet? What colour is it? Do you want to colour Smart Baby's favourite animals?

Smart Baby Discovers Van Gogh

Modern Times (2007)

Smart Baby is about to take your own baby on a journey to the wonderful world of Art. Explore the works of famous artists like Vincent Van Gogh, through poetry and observation questions. Soon, your baby will be able to guess the artists' names when looking at a painting, and comment on themes, colours and shapes. Smart Baby will improve your children's learning skills, fuel their imagination, and become their new best friend!

Smart Baby Discovers Picasso

Modern Times (2007)

Smart Baby is about to take your own baby on a journey to the wonderful world of Art. Explore the works of famous artists like Pablo Picasso, through poetry and observation questions. Soon, your baby will be able to guess the artists' names when looking at a painting, and comment on themes, colours and shapes. Smart Baby will improve your children's learning skills, fuel their imagination, and become their new best friend!

Smart Baby Discovers Monet

Modern Times (2007)

Smart Baby is about to take your own baby on a journey to the wonderful world of Art. Explore the works of famous artists like Claude Monet, through poetry and observation questions. Soon, your baby will be able to guess the artists' names when looking at a painting, and comment on themes, colours and shapes. Smart Baby will improve your children's learning skills, fuel their imagination, and become their new best friend!

Smart Baby Discovers Matisse

Modern Times (2007)

Smart Baby is about to take your own baby on a journey to the wonderful world of Art. Explore the works of famous artists like Henri Matisse, through poetry and observation questions. Soon, your baby will be able to guess the artists' names when looking at a painting, and comment on themes, colours and shapes. Smart Baby will improve your children's learning skills, fuel their imagination, and become their new best friend!

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