Δανέζης Μάνος

The Future of Our Past

Δίαυλος (2015)

The scientist, to the extent he or she produces scientific work, constitutes a shaping factor of civilization, by exerting an influence, positive or negative, on the evolution of social structure. Because of this role, the scientist cannot hint or appeal to the neutrality of science, in order to stay out of the formation of the theological or social developments of the time. Historians of science know very well that: the end of a major scientific revolution signals the beginning of major social and theological re-orientations. The major scientific revolution that took pla...


Δίαυλος (2009)

The reasons why "Straman", a tale of the sky was written is by itself a story we have told countless times to our friends and people we know, since no one could understand the reasons that led us to its creation. Even our publishers, scientists and authors themselves, in spite of their deep friendly and human relation with us, when they read the manuscript, many years before the first edition of Straman, were sure that this was an attempt to compose a scientific fiction tale with strong mythical and irrational elements. Yet, this was far from the truth. Of course, we di...

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