Dooley Jenny

The Giant Turnip: Story Book

Express Publishing (2011)

A farmer plants a turnip seed. But the turnip grows so big that he can/t pull it out of the ground on his own. He needs help. Who will help him? Will they manage to pull it out?

The golden stone. Saga I

Express Publishing (1996)

The Golden Stone. Saga I

Express Publishing (1996)

The Golden Stone. Saga I

Express Publishing (1996)

The golden stone. Saga II

Express Publishing (1996)

The Golden Stone. Saga II

Express Publishing (1996)

The Golden Stone. Saga II

Express Publishing (1996)

The Hare & The Tortoise

Express Publishing (2007)

The Lion and the Mouse

Express Publishing (2002)

The Lion and the Mouse

Express Publishing (2002)

The Little Mermaid

Express Publishing (2002)

The Little Mermaid

Express Publishing (2002)

The Nightingale and the Rose

Express Publishing (2002)

The Nightingale and the Rose

Express Publishing (2002)

The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf

Express Publishing (2002)

The ShepherdBboy and the Wolf

Express Publishing (2002)

The Shoemaker and his Guest

Express Publishing (2002)

The Shoemaker and his Guest

Express Publishing (2002)

The Stone Flower: Reader

Express Publishing (2011)

Prokopych, a stone carver, takes in an orphan named Danila. With Prokopych/s help, Danila develops into a very skilled stone carver. Danila hears the story of the Stone Flower, which belongs to the Mistress of Copper Mountain and begins to think about the Stone Flower all the time. On the day before Danila/s wedding to Katya, Danila goes to Serpent Hill in search of the Stone Flower and meets the Mistress of Copper Mountain. Danila begs her to show him the Stone Flower, so she takes him to the Magic Garden. Will Danila stay with the Mistress of the Copper Mountain or will h...

The Story of Santa Claus

Express Publishing (2002)
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