
Les Météores

Αδάμ - Πέργαμος (1999)

Les îles grecques

Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1994)

Guide touristique et archeologique complet - 237 photographies en couleur de toutes les iles - 65 cartes detaillees facilitant le voyage - Brefs renseignements aidant le visiteur a connaitre les belles iles grecques et a passer d' agreables vacances.

Les deux énigmes du Sfinx


Les chevaliers de Rhodes

Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1991)

Les amis et les autres

Εθνικό Κέντρο Κοινωνικών Ερευνών (1995)


Αδάμ - Πέργαμος


Toubi's (1992)


Toubi's (1998)


Fagotto (2007)

S vydanim tohoto pruvodce se zarucujeme, ze Vas budeme informovat s presnosti o vsem, co o ostrove vime. Informace se tykaji jak historickych, tak i soucasnych udalosti. Vseobecny pruvodce o Lefkade Vam se svymi 180 barevnymi fotografiemi a analytickymi mapkami nabizi klic k toulkam po krasnych pesich stezkach, ktere Vas zavedou do kouzelnych horskych visek. Dale Vam napomuze objevit skryte a poklidne plaze. Neopomiji taktez navstevu kostelu a pusobivych klasteru. Dokonce i vylety off road, ktere jsou v pruvodci obsazene, Vas dovedou do neznamych mist s prenadhernou p...


Fagotto (2010)


Fagotto (2010)

In this publication we endeavour to provide a complete account of all we know about our island including information about the history of the island and how it is today. This complete guide to Lefkada accompanied with 180 photographs and detailed maps holds the key to understanding the pace and sense of humour of the people of Lefkada, the legends and the special cultural traditions.It guides you along the amazing footpaths, through stunning mountain villages, reveals quiet hidden beaches, churches and imposing monasteries. Also the off-road routes reveal unknown land...


Fagotto (2010)

Mit dieser Publikation mochten wir Sie moglichst genau uber all das informieren, was wir selbst uber unsere Insel wissen, einschliesslich aller historischen Tatsachen und der gegenwartigen Gegebenheiten. Dieser vollstandige Reisefuhrer uber Levkada mit seinen 180 Farbfotos und detaillierten Karten gibt Ihnen einen Schlussel in die Hand, um wundervolle Wanderwege zu erkunden, wunderschone Gebirgsdorfer kennen zu lernen, verborgene ruhige Strande zu entdecken und Kirchen sowie imposante, verlassene Kloster aufzusuchen. Auch die off road-Strecken, die in diesem Reisefuh...

Le Péloponnèse

Εκδοτική Αθηνών (2000)

Le musée archéologique de Rhodes

Αδάμ - Πέργαμος

Le Meteore

Αδάμ - Πέργαμος (1999)

Le isole greche

Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1994)

Guida turistica ed archeologica completa - 237 fotografie a colori illustrative di tutte le isole - 65 mappe dettagliate per facilitare la visita ed aiutare a conoscere ogni isola - Informazioni brevi ed orientative, che facilitano il visitatore nel conoscere le bellissime isole greche e godere piacevoli vacanze.


Μπάστας (1998)

Laser D

Macmillan Hellas SA (2004)

Laser D is the first level in a modern, fun and exciting 3-level course specifically designed for young teenagers in Greece, taking students from intermediate up to FCE exam level. Key features: -Lexical and grammatical syllabus based on the Threshold level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework -16 engaging and motivating topic-based units -Systematic and integrated development of key reading, writing, listening and speaking skills -Dictionary Corner sections, focusing on topic-based lexis, collocations, patterns, word formation and phrasal verbs -R...

Laser D

Macmillan Hellas SA (2004)

Laser D is the first level in a modern, fun and exciting 3-level course specifically designed for young teenagers in Greece, taking students from intermediate up to FCE exam level. Key features: -Lexical and grammatical syllabus based on the Threshold level of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework -16 engaging and motivating topic-based units -Systematic and integrated development of key reading, writing, listening and speaking skills -Dictionary Corner sections, focusing on topic-based lexis, collocations, patterns, word formation and phrasal verbs -R...

Las Meteoras

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