Σκιαδαρέσης Μάκης

Αρχαία Κόρινθος

Έσπερος / Κλειώ (2003)

Η Αρχαία Κόρινθος και η περιοχή της παρουσιάζονται στο νέο οδηγό των εκδόσεων "Έσπερος". Περιγράφεται η ιστορική πορεία της θρυλικής πόλης με το πλούσιο μυθολογικό υπόβαθρο, αναφέρονται τα εντυπωσιακά λείψανα του πολιτισμού της, τα μνημεία της αρχαίας αγοράς, ο επιβλητικός Ακροκόρινθος και το εξαιρετικά πλούσιο σε εκθέματα μουσείο της. Η περιγραφή της επεκτείνεται και στα μνημεία τής ευρύτερης περιοχής της, στα δύο λιμάνια της, το Λέχαιο και τις Κεχρεές, στο Ιερό του Ποσειδώνος στην Ισθμία, αλλά και στα ενδιαφέροντα έργα του Ισθμού, από την κατασκευή του πλακόστρωτου διαδ...

Yannis Tsarouchis 1910 - 1989

Μουσείο Μπενάκη (2010)

A major exhibition focusing on this important Greek artist, Yannis Tsarouchis, organised to celebrate the centenary of the artist's birth. This is the first retrospective of Yannis Tsarouchis works in Athens, and its goal is to showcase representative works from all the periods of the artist’s output. The exhibition will be accompanied by parallel events (audiovisual materials, lectures, educational activities etc.), while offering the Greek public a rare opportunity to appreciate unique works of art and stage design. Given that the exhibition aims to provide an overall...


Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1999)


Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1997)

Thessalonike Museum

Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1996)

The Peloponnese

Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1999)

The Medieval City of Rhodes and the Palace of the Grand Master

Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2005)

In 1988, a few months before the Summit Meeting of the EEC in the Grand Master's Palace in Rhodes, I was asked by the then political head of the Ministry of Culture to write a small booklet about the Palace to be distributed to the delegates of the member states of the EEC and the journalists. In the end the booklet became a book and much larger in content and length than had originally been commissioned. It seemed to me hardly possible to present the Palace of the Grand Master without reference to the rest of the medieval city, of which it was always the heart. I must a...

The History of Coinage

Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2010)

Money has been used throughout time in every aspect and for every reason. Its acquisition has always been one of the main goals of individuals. Coins constitute the basic unit of measuring money. They have been altered and adapted to every change caused by different reasons always conforming to social, economic and historical circumstances. The first coins were made of electrum, a gold-silver alloy, in the end of the 7th century BC in Asia Minor. It was the precious metal that determined the value of a coin whereas its small size made it easy to carry. Later, the symbol...

The Aegean

Μέλισσα (1997)

The Aegean, an integral part of Hellenism for six thousand years, because of its geographical position and physical formation with its hundreds of various-sized islands forming a marvelous unity beginning at the coast of mainland Greece and stretching to the shores of Asia Minor, Crete and Cyprus, has always been a bridge carrying messages from one continent to another, a cradle of civilizations and a source of inspiration and creativity. A Greek sea par excellence, the Aegean founded and defended its own civilization - a civilization that was later bequeathed to the world....

Spaziergänge durch das Byzantinische Thessaloniki

Καπόν (1997)

Short Guide Museum of Byzantine Culture

Καπόν (2005)

The purpose of the Museum of Byzantine Culture, as is suggested by is to present the history, art and culture of the Byzantine world in Macedonia, particularly in Thessaloniki, the city that was the most important political, economic, intellectual and artistic centre in the European part of the Byzantine empire after Constantinople.


Εκδοτική Αθηνών (2001)


Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1995)


Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1993)


Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1998)


Εκδοτική Αθηνών (1997)
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