Kelly Tim

The Duchess

Κουίντα (2016)

When a renowned artist is commissioned to paint the Duchess - the wife of a retired American General, he finds himself drawn into a relationship beyond his control or understanding. As the portrait progresses, so their new love blossoms and so does their fear of the wrath of the General.Tender and naive, yet terrifying, The Duchess is both a love story and a secular horror story, and a savage indictment of power as it operates in the contemporary world.

The Girlfriend

Κουίντα (2014)

Lucky Norman meets a girl who loves him like no one has ever loved him before. But when he discovers this female creature is not quite what she seems, he is already entangled in the terrifying labyrinth of desire. Crude, brutal, yet poetic, The Girlfriend, is an archetype of love, loss and life.In the story, the literary inheritance of the past is fused to an acute modernity of style. The pared-down simplicity of the prose, however,belies the multi-layered complexity of the narrative. The reader is lulled and seduced into a world in which the link between appearance and...

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