Wardle Nicola

Agia Sophia: The Great Church of Thessaloniki

Καπόν (2014)

The thirteen-centuries-old church of Hagia Sophia, dedicated to the Holy Wisdom of God, has been the focus of scholarly interest and debate since the nineteenth century, generating a remarkably rich bibliography - Greek and foreign. However, until now there was no publication addressed to the visitors to this monument. This book comes to fill the void, examining all aspects of the subject - the history of the church, its decoration and the views expressed on this at various times.

Great Heroes

Μίνωας (2019)

Prometheus, Hercules, Theseus, Jason, Perseus, Odysseus and Achilles are some of the greatest and best known heroes of Ancient Greece. The Ancient Greeks believed that most of them had supernatural powers, which they used to accomplish feats to help mankind. In this book young readers are provided with a first introduction to these heroes with colourful illustrations and stickers.

Greek Art and Archaelogy c. 1200-30 BC

Καπόν (2016)

The textbook Greek art and archaeology, written by Greek specialist Dimitris Plantzos and published by Kapon Editions in 2011, was selected by Atlanta-based American publishers Lockwood Press as their first venture into the field of classical archaeology. Translated by British archaeologist Nicola Wardle, the book, which has just appeared, was thoroughly revised and expanded by its author. The English-language edition is distributed in Greece and the rest of Europe by Kapon Editions, who also redesigned the Greek-language edition. In the five years since its first edition,...

Greek Mythology: 100 Activities, Games and Myths

Άγκυρα (2018)

The Ancient Greek Gods, The Labours of Hercules, The Labours of Theseus, The Trojan War, The Odyssey, Daedalus and Icarus, The kidnap of Europa and Jason and the Golden Fleece are some of the basic myths which are to be found in this book, giving young readers an enjoyable introduction to the legendary heroes. The games and the educational activities will help them consolidate the key elements of each myth.

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