Μελάχρης Άκης

The Trojan War - Odyssey

Άγκυρα (2013)

Which was the cause of one of the most well-known wars in the world between Greeks and Trojans? Who won the war and which way? Who were the brave worriors demised in both camps and under what circumstances? Which was the fate of one of the greatest and most ingenious kings of the era -Odysseus- on setting sail for home? Did he manage to overcome the tremendous ordeals on his way back? The War of Troy and the adventures of Odysseus inspired the great, world famous, ancient Greek poet Homerus, to write his two renouned epics: Iliad and Odyssey.

The Labors of Hercules

Άγκυρα (2012)

Ο Ηρακλής υπήρξε ο μεγαλύτερος ήρωας της μυθολογίας. Όλοι τον θαύμαζαν και τον αγαπούσαν γιατί κατάφερε με το θάρρος και τη δύναμή του να γλιτώσει τους ανθρώπους από ένα σωρό συμφορές. Ποιος ήταν όμως ο κύριος λόγος που τον οδήγησε να αναλάβει τους δώδεκα άθλους; Tο βιβλίο περιέχει δραστηριότητες και παιχνίδια που βοηθούν τον μικρό αναγνώστη να εμπεδώσει βασικά στοιχεία της ιστορίας.

The Abduction of Europa and the Story of her Three Sons

Άγκυρα (2013)

Who was all-beautiful Europa? Who fell in love with her and took her away so as to marry her? How did her family react? Then, how was a whole continet named after her and, eventually, who were her three sons and what happened to each of them? All the answers are lying in the enjoyable reading of the book in your hands. In it, once more, the lives of humans and gods of the Greek mythology are fascinatingly interwoven. This book comprises several activities and games helping young readers consolidate the basics of Greek mythology.

Prometheus. Pandora’s Box

Άγκυρα (2015)

Who was Prometheus, and how did he help humans to improve their lives and cope with nature's challenges? Why did Zeus, the ruler of both gods and men, punish him so harshly? Which hero saved Prometheus from his punishment? Who was Epimetheus, and who was the beautiful Pandora? What did the box, which Zeus had given to Pandora as a wedding gif, hide? What happened when she opened it? All the answers can be found in this fascinating book dealing with two Greek myths that will capture the interest of readers, both young and old, all over the world... The book contains acti...

Phrixus and Helle. Orpheus and Eurydice

Άγκυρα (2015)

Phrixus and Helle were the children of Athamas, king of Orchomenus in Boeotia. Their mother was the beautiful Nephele, who died at a very young age. The king married again, to a woman named Ino, who was extremely jealous of the two children. So Ino came up with a plan to take the kids out of the picture. However, the love of their dead mother, Nephele, protected Phrixus and Helle. What would be the fate of the two siblings? Orpheus and Eurydice Orpheus, son of the muse Calliope, was a young, talented musician and poet. As soon as he met the beautiful nymph Eurydice, he fe...


Άγκυρα (2013)


Άγκυρα (2012)

They spent ten years to finish the war of Troy. A war broke out for the abduction of Helen, the beautiful Greek woman queen from Paris, one of the sons of the king of Troy. The Greeks managed to enter the city of Troy. For this reason the ending was ingenious mind of the king of Ithaca, Odysseus, who had the idea of building the Trojan Horse. The war ended, Helen and freed the Greeks returned home. But for Odysseus would start new adventures ... This book comprises several activities and games helping young readers consolidate the basics of Greek mythology.

Mythologie Grecque: 100 activités, jeux et mythes

Άγκυρα (2018)

Les douze travaux d’Héraclès

Άγκυρα (2013)

Heracles est considere comme le plus grand heros de la mythologie. Tous l’admiraient et l’aimaient car il avait reussi par son courage et sa force a proteger les hommes de eaucoup de malheurs. Mais pour quelle veritable raison a-t-il ete conduit a accepter les douze travaux? Le livre contient des activites et des jeux qui aident le jeune lecteur a approfondir les elements principaux de l' histoire.

Le fatiche di Eracle

Άγκυρα (2016)

Eracle fu il piu grande eroe della mitologia. Tutti lo ammiravano e gli volevano bene perche era riuscito con il suo coraggio e la sua forza a salvare la gente da un sacco di disgrazie. Quale e stato, pero, il motivo principale che lo ha portato a intraprendere le dodici fatiche? Il libro contiene attivita e giochi che aiutano il piccolo lettore a consolidare gli elementi chiave della mitologia greca.

Las hazañas de Hércules

Άγκυρα (2013)

Hercules fue el heroe mitologico mas importante. Todos lo admiraban y lo querian porque consiguio salvar a los seres humanos de un monton de calamidades gracias a su valor y a su fuerza. Pero? cual fue la razon principal que lo llevo a emprender las doce hazanas? El libro contiene actividades y juegos que ayudaran al pequeno lector a asimilar datos basicos de historia.

La Odisea

Άγκυρα (2013)

Diez anos duro la guerra de Troya. Una guerra que estallo por el rapto de Helena, la hermosa reina griega, que cayo en manos de Paris, uno de los hijos del rey de Troya. Los griegos consiguieron entrar en la ciudad gracias al ingenioso Ulises, rey de Itaca, quien ideo la construccion del caballo de Troya. Acabada la guerra y liberada Helena, habia llegado el momento de que los griegos volvieran a su pais. Pero, para Ulises, iba a empezar una nueva serie de aventuras que le impediria regresar a su patria durante muchos anos... El libro contiene actividades y juegos que ayud...


Άγκυρα (2016)

L' Odyssée

Άγκυρα (2013)

Junior Profile on English Grammar 1

Litera - John Boukouvalas (2002)

"Junior Profile" is a comprehensive grammar series for Greek students of English. The series consists of two books covering Junior A and B classes.

Junior Profile on English Grammar 1

Litera - John Boukouvalas (2002)

Junior Profile provides the first steps in grammar for Greek students in Junior A and B classes.

Jungly, Υστερίες της ζούγκλας

Animatic Vision Comics (2012)

Ήταν Δεκέμβριος του 2002 όταν πρωτοεμφανίστηκε στην ιστοσελίδα filaki.gr με τον τίτλο "Ιστορίες της ζούγκλας". Από τότε βγήκαν εκατοντάδες κόμικ ιστοριούλες και για 10 συναπτά έτη καταφέρνει να χαρίζει γέλιο, να μας εξάπτει τη φαντασία, να μας φτιάχνει αλλά και να μας εκνευρίζει, να μας εξαγριώνει... Προσωπικά, προχτές, ξανάρχισα το αλκοόλ μετά το τελευταίο στριπάκι του jungly... 10 χρόνια νηφαλιότητας καταστράφηκαν μέσα σε 10 λεπτά... Ο ριψοκίνδυνος δημιουργός Άκης Μελάχρης "συμμάζεψε" σε αυτό το συλλεκτικό κόμικ άλμπουμ 120 επιλεγμένες ιστοριούλες από τα 10 αυτά έτη! Α...

Jason et la toison d'or

Άγκυρα (2018)

Ο Ιάσονας αποφασίζει να διεκδικήσει τον θρόνο του πατέρα του από τον θείο του τον Πελία και οι περιπέτειές του αρχίζουν. Ο θείος του, για να του δώσει πίσω τον θρόνο, του ζητάει κάτι σχεδόν ακατόρθωτο: να του φέρει το χρυσόμαλλο δέρας. Ο Ιάσονας, αν και ξέρει πόσο δύσκολο είναι, αποφασίζει να το προσπαθήσει,.Πού να ήξερε, όμως, τι έπρεπε ν' αντιμετωπίσει. Από τις συμπληγάδες πέτρες μέχρι το τεράστιο φίδι που φύλαγε το χρυσόμαλλο δέρας, Άραγε θα τα καταφέρει; Tο βιβλίο περιέχει δραστηριότητες και παιχνίδια που βοηθούν τον μικρό αναγνώστη να εμπεδώσει βασικά στοιχεία της ιστο...

Jason and the Golden Fleece

Άγκυρα (2012)

Jason decides to reclaim his father’s throne from his uncle Pelias and adventure begins. His uncle, in order to give the throne back, asked Jason of something almost impossible to achieve: to bring him the Golden Fleece. Jason, although he knew how difficult this task was, decided to give it a try. He couldn't have imagined, though, what he would have to anticipate: from the Semplegades to the huge snake-guardian of the Golden Fleece. Do you wonder whether he manage it? This book comprises several activities and games helping young readers consolidate the basics of Gree...

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