Μίσιου Βασιλική

The Fates

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

And every time a baby was born on earth, on the third day right after its birth, the Fates were said to visit it at home to determine its life - how it’d be from then on.

The Mermaid

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

And wrapped she was with scales bellow the waist, instead of legs, she had a big, fish tail. Her body was half human and half fish; she was a magical and mythical mermaid.

The Olive Tree

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

The tree then would stand happy and would grow, and wish its olives to be sweet and rich so that all people would enjoy their taste; for joy is always greater when it’s shared.

The Stoneboat

Μεταίχμιο (2018)

"Dear moon, there, high in the dome where you are, I dare you, better than you I’ll become. It’s either I win or lose it all, I swear", the fairy said and at the moon she stared.

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