Μαυρομάτης Σωκράτης

Εργαλεία της παράδοσης

Καπόν (2013)

Το βιβλίο "Εργαλεία της παράδοσης" είναι καρπός της αγάπης του Παύλου Κοντέλλη για την αγροτική ζωή και της ενασχόλησής του με τα γεωργικά μηχανήματα. Βιώνοντας ο ίδιος την αλλαγή που συντελέστηκε στην αγροτική ζωή από το 1950 και μετά, με την εκμηχάνιση της γεωργίας και τη χρήση των σύγχρονων μηχανημάτων, συνειδητοποίησε την αξία των παλαιών αγροτικών εργαλείων και τη σημασία τους για την ιστορία του τόπου μας. Μέσα από αυτά αντλούμε πολύτιμα στοιχεία για το πώς δούλευαν οι αγρότες τα παλαιά χρόνια, κάτω από ιδιαίτερα αντίξοες συνθήκες, αλλά και με πόση τέχνη, ακρίβεια και...

Ιστορίες για το φως στο Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης

Μουσείο Ακρόπολης (2012)

Stories About Light at the Acropolis Museum

Μουσείο Ακρόπολης (2012)


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2011)

Olympia was personified as a very beautiful woman with lovely eyes, Grecian nose, and small mouth with pursed lips. Her long wavy hair was drawn back into a chignon at the nape of her neck. This is how she is represented on a coin of Elis, dated to 364 BC, with her name inscribed on the flan, in front of her face: ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ. The beauty of Olympia on the coin is comparable to the beauty of the landscape surrounding the site. Rolling hills co-vered with pine woods, small plains planted with vines and olive trees, and stately cypresses surround the area where the Alpheios and K...

The Creative Photograph in Archaeology

Μουσείο Μπενάκη (2008)

[...] In the 20th century, photography as applied to archaeology begins to follow two main paths. The purely scientific and technical recording of antiquity, which it serves as an auxiliary, and an aesthetic approach to ancient art, which expands the boundaries of photography as applied to archaeology. The purpose of the present exhibition is to explore the aesthetic dimension of archaeological photography and to describe its development from the artistic photographic attempts of the 19th century travelers to the creative archaeological photography of the 20th century. The...


Παπαδήμας Εκδοτική (2008)

- Presentacion de la historia de los edificios y de los monumentos mas importantes con reconstrucciones de manera que premiten que el "ayer"venga a completar el "ahora" - Las mas interesantes piezas del Museo de la Acropolis y del Museo Nacional Arqueologico.


Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2005)

-Darstellung der Geschichte der Bauwerke und der bedeutendsten Monumente. -Die wichtigsten Ausstellungsstucke des Akropolis Museums und des Archaologischen Nationalmuseums. -Rekonstruktionen der antiken Bauwerke, die das "Jetzt" zum "Einst" erganzen.


Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2005)

- Presentacion de la historia de los edificios y de los monumentos mas importantes. - Las mas interesantes piezas del Museo de la Acropolis y del Museo Nacional Arqueologico. - Reconstrucciones de los monumentos antiguos de manera que el "ahora" sea completado por el "otrora".


Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2005)

-Presentazione della storia degli edifici e dei monumenti piu importanti. -I piu interessanti tra i reperti esposti nel Museo dell' Acropoli e nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale. -Ricostruzioni grafiche dei monumenti antichi in maniera tale che l' "oggi" sia completato dall' "alora".


Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2004)

The city's history from prehistoric times, the archaic and classical periods through the byzantine era -The history of the city's buildings and most important monuments -The most important exhibits at the Acropolis Museum and the National Archaeological Museum -Reconstructions of the ancient monuments depicting how what we see now looked then.


Πολιτιστικές Εκδόσεις (2004)

L' histoire d' Athenes depuis les epoques prehistorique, archaique et classique jusqu' a l' epoque byzantine -Presentation de l' histoire des constructions et des monuments les plus importants -Les plus interessants des objects exposes du Musee de l' Acropole et du Musee National archeologique -Reconstitutions des monuments antiques de facon a ce que "maintenant" soit complete par "autrefois".

Photographs 1975-2002 from the Works on the Acropolis of Athens

Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2002)

The extensive work of restoration, with responsibility entailed, that has been in process during the last 25 years on the Sacred rock of the Acropolis, has now acquired a concrete and imperative time-frame. By the year 2004 - a chronological land - mark for the Greece because of the Olympic Games - the result will be manifest in its entirely, as the works are proceeding systematically and rapidly. The photographic chronicle exhibited here records the progress of the works. It is thus of tremendous value, not only artistically but also because it provides material evidence....

Photographs 1975-2002 from the Works on the Acropolis of Athens

Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού. Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων και Απαλλοτριώσεων (2002)

The extensive work of restoration, with responsibility entailed, that has been in process during the last 25 years on the Sacred rock of the Acropolis, has now acquired a concrete and imperative time-frame. By the year 2004 - a chronological land - mark for the Greece because of the Olympic Games - the result will be manifest in its entirely, as the works are proceeding systematically and rapidly. The photographic chronicle exhibited here records the progress of the works. It is thus of tremendous value, not only artistically but also because it provides material evidence....

Parthenon Promenades

Ίδρυμα Μελίνα Μερκούρη (2001)

The Melina Mercouri Foundation and Mr. Jules Dassin have honoured me with a request to write a book for young people about the Parthenon and its sculpture. The purpose of the book is to familiarise the readers with classical art, both architecture and sculpture, so that when they visit the Acropolis and also the British Museum, where much of the sculpture of the great temple is today, they can comprehend and appreciate it. [...]

The City Beneath the City

Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης (2000)

Published in conjunction with the exhibition "The City Beneath the City", organized by the Greek Ministry of Culture and the N.P. Goulandris Foundation and held at the Museam of Cycladic Art, Athens, 29 February 2000-31 December 2001. "[...] Important parts of ancient Athens were investigated during the excavations, conducted for the most part on the sites of Stations and Ventilation Shafts for the Railway. More than 30,00 moveable objects were brought to light. Following a necessarily strict process of selection, the Managing Committee chose about 500 objects for inclus...

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