Darragh Simon


Αιώρα (2015)

Andreas Laskaratos (1811-1901), a prominent figure in modern Greek letters, was a writer and poet, a social thinker and, in many ways, a controversialist. A life-long enemy of hypocrisy wherever he found it, on many occasions he turned against politicians, while he ceaselessly fought against corruption and religious prejudice and fanaticism.

The Flaw

Αιώρα (2018)

A man is seized from his afternoon drink at the Cafe Sport by two agents of the Regime-though what exactly he is suspected of we do not know, and neither, apparently, does he. What follows is a journey by car toward Special Branch Headquarters, and the interrogation that undoubtedly awaits him there. With their destination approaching, oppressed and oppressor come face to face with their deepest human feeling, locked in a game of psychological skill. As the plot slowly unravels, so, too, do its main players. Part thriller and part political satire, "The Flaw" is as po...

The Notary

Αιώρα (2017)

Ο "Συμβολαιογράφος" (1855) είναι το καλύτερο αφήγημα του Αλέξανδρου Ρίζου Ραγκαβή: διαδραματίζεται στην Κεφαλονιά τη δεύτερη δεκαετία του 19ου αιώνα και αναβιώνει την κεφαλονίτικη κοινωνία της εποχής με μια ιστορία δολοπλοκίας, αγωνίας και ερωτικού πάθους, στην οποία οι ήρωες συγχέουν τα όρια ανάμεσα στο "καλό" και στο "κακό". Για τον νεοελληνιστή Roderick Beaton αυτή η "ρεαλιστική ιστορία δολοπλοκίας, αγωνίας και ρομάντζου", μπορεί άνετα να συμπεριληφθεί στην ομάδα εκείνη των μυθιστορημάτων των Collins και του Poe "και μεταξύ των πρώτων αστυνομικών μυθιστορημάτων που...

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