Ανανιάδης Δημήτρης


Toubi's (2004)

Αρχαία Ελλάδα

Toubi's (2010)

Το βιβλίο "Αρχαία Ελλάδα, Ναοί και Ιερά", αποτελεί μία συνοπτική αλλά πλήρη ανάλυση και περιγραφή των σημαντικότερων ελληνικών αρχαιολογικών χώρων. Η αρχιτεκτονική της Αρχαϊκής και της Κλασικής περιόδου παρουσιάζονται εδώ με τον αμεσότερο δυνατό τρόπο: ιστορικά στοιχεία, πλούσιο φωτογραφικό υλικό, αναλυτικές κατόψεις των μνημείων, ζωγραφικές αναπαραστάσεις και αντιπαραβολή τους με τη σημερινή τους μορφή, συχνότατες αναφορές στις μυθολογικές πηγές και προσεγγίσεις της αρχαιοελληνικής λατρευτικής πρακτικής, καθώς επίσης και πληροφορίες για τα παρακείμενα των αρχαιολογικών χώΙ...


Toubi's (2003)


Toubi's (2003)

Musées Grecs

Little Tree (2011)

Avec une histoire et une civilisation qui couvre presque sans interruption la vaste periode allant de I'epoque neolithique jusqu'a nos jours, avec des milliers de sites qui ont prospere et se sont eteints au cours de ces millenaires, et avec la flamme civilisatrice et creatrice, vivante jusqu'a nos jours, la Grece regorge naturellement de musees d'un bout a I'autre. Chaque ville, chaque Tie et meme, chaque bourgade ou gros bourg, possede ses propres musees, ses collections, des fragments uniques de son passe a montrer et conserver - comme la prunelle de ses yeux -, meme lor...

Les dieux Grecs

Little Tree (2011)

Le monde de la mythologie grecque est un univers vaste et myste-rieux, ou d'innombrables dieux, heros, monstres, esprits et demi-dieux regnent sur les lois naturelles et la vie des mortels .- des guerres, des intrigues, des sympathies, des animosites, des alliances, composent I'arriere-plan d'un tableau ou les actions fulgurantes de I'histoire an-cienne de la Grece se developpent. La mythologie grecque a pris forme et ete transmise par la tradition orale, enrichie de I'imagination formidable des Grecs de I'antiquite, qui ont transcrit dans leurs mythes ce que lame humain...


Toubi's (2005)

[...] Der vorliegende Reisefuhrer ist keine wissenschaftliche Abhandlung und vertieft sich nicht in die Einzelheiten der archaologischen Funde. Er mochte den Leser mit den Grundzugen der minoischen Kultur bekannt machen, ihn durch das Ausgrabungsgelande fuhren und die Gesamtheit der Baulichkeiten vergegenwartigen.

Greek Museums

Little Tree (2011)

With a history and culture that cover the vast distance from the Neolithic period until today, almost without interruption, with thousands of towns and villages that flourished and were then extinguished over the duration of the millennia, and with the fire of civilisation and creativity constantly burning until today, it is only to be expected that, from coast to coast, Greece is filled with Museums. Each town, each island, even each market town or large village, has its own museums, its own collections, unique fragments of its personal past to showcase and preserve - like...

Greek Gods

Little Tree (2011)

The world of Greek mythology is a vast and mysterious universe, in which countless gods and heroes, monsters, spirits and demigods rule over the natural laws and lives of the mortals: wars and intrigues, favourites, enmities and alliances compose a background upon which the wondrous activities of ancient Greek history evolves. Greek mythology was formed and spread through oral tradition, the wild imagination of the ancient Greeks transcribing into myths all that the human mind could not conceive. Divine will, sometimes positive and other times vengeful, was responsible for...

Gli dei Greci

Little Tree (2011)

II mondo della Mitologia Greca e un universo vasto e misterioso, dove un numero smisurato di dei ed eroi, mostri, spiriti e semidei dominano le leggi della natura e le vite degli uomink guerre e intrighi, ostilita e alleanze compongono lo sfondo dove si sviluppa I'azione tempestosa della storia greca antica. La Mitologia Greca, formata e diffusa attraverso la trasmissione ora-le, e nata dalla ricchissima fantasia degli antichi greci che trascri-vevano in mito tutto cio che I'essere umano non poteva concepire. La volonta divina, benevola e a volte vendicativa, era la resp...


Toubi's (2006)

[...] In this guidebook we present the history and geography of this region in a synoptic fashion. Here you can learn the basic guidelines for a magical tour of the history and nature of the "land of the mountains," of which the early-19th-century French traveller Francois Pouqueville wrote "the inexhaustible combination of the ways used by Divine Providence to achieve her aim, appears here so wonderfully, that if we wanted to give Epirus the name most fitting, we would have to call it the "miniature of all landscapes, of all climates''.


Toubi's (2005)

[...] Le present guide ne constitue pas un traite scientifique, et ne s'etend pas sur les interpretations des trouvailles archeologiques; son but est d'introduire le profane aux principales caracteristiques de la civilisation minoenne, et de l'aider parallelement a visiter le site archeologique, a recomposer, grace a son imagination personnelle, l'ensemble des installations qui y etaient construites.

Ancient Greece

Toubi's (2010)

The book "Ancient Greece: Temples and Sanctuaries" provides a synoptic but complete analysis and description of the most important Greek archaeological sites. The architecture of the archaic and classical periods are here presented in the most direct possible way: historical details, rich photographic material, analytical plans of the monuments, drawings of reconstructions and their juxtaposition with today's appearance and frequent references to mythological sources and ancient Greek ritual practices. There is also information on the museums that accompany the archaeologic...

Alexander the Great's Macedonia

Toubi's (2006)
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