Ξουρής Νέστορας

Ariadne in the New Acropolis Museum

Διάπλαση (2015)

Ariadne is a clay doll who lives in the New Acropolis Museum. She has a lot of friends among the museum statues - the Peplos Kore, the horses, the Caryatids, The Calf-Bearer, the Kore with the quince, goddess Athena, the Kore with the red shoes. But she only yearns for a child she could play with. Will she ever find it? And what is the meaning of the phrase 'True friendship never ends'? A tender story which serves as a rough guide to the New Acropolis Museum, for pre-school and primary-school children, aiming at offering them a first-hand experience of this museum's most...


Διάπλαση (2019)

La vie et les aventures du heros le plus fameux de la mythologie grecque, racontees par Syrmo Kapoutsi, avec des illustrations vives par Nestoras Xouris. Tous les enfants seront fort impressionn?s par les travaux formidables d'Heracles, qui sont des exemples eternels de courage et de devouement.


Διάπλαση (2019)

Descubrid la vida y las hazanas del gran heroe de la mitologia griega, en esta adaptacion fascinante por Sirmo Kaputsi, acompanada por las ilustraciones excepcionales de Nestoras Xuris. Los famosos trabajos de Heracles, que cada uno constituye un pequeno relato autonomo de valor y lealtad, apasionaran a cada nino y adolescente.


Διάπλαση (2014)

A new series which will give preschoolers the chance to have a first contact with the wonderful tales of Greek mythology, through exciting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Get to know the greatest Greek hero, his fascinating life and impossible deeds, his final elevation to the company of the gods.


Διάπλαση (2019)

The life and times of one of the greatest heroes of Greek mythology, as told by Sirmo Kapoutsi, make for an easy yet exciting reading for all ages. Every child will enjoy HerculesΆs formidable labours, each of them a breath-taking story of commitment and bravery. The heroΆs adventures have been marvellously illustrated by Nestoras Xouris.


Διάπλαση (2019)


Διάπλαση (2014)

A new series which will give preschoolers the chance to have a first contact with the wonderful tales of Greek mythology, through exciting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Get to know the breathtaking adventures of young Jason, his sturdy ship Argo and its crew of brave heroes, as they roam the ancient seas in search of the Golden Fleece.


Διάπλαση (2019)

Jason and the Argonauts

Διάπλαση (2014)

Young Jason returns to his hometown of Iolcos to claim the throne from the usurper, his uncle Pelias. But first he must carry out an impossible task - bring back the Golden Fleece from the faraway land of Kolchis. Thus he sets out on the most extraordinary journey on board the sturdy Argo, together with his fearless companions, the Argonauts. Read about the legendary heroes' breathtaking adventures in this captivating adaptation of Greek mythology by Sirmo Kapoutsi, vividly illustrated by Nestoras Xouris.

Jason and the Argonauts

Διάπλαση (2019)

Young Jason returns to his hometown of Iolcos to claim the throne from the usurper, his uncle Pelias. But first he must carry out an impossible task - bring back the Golden Fleece from the faraway land of Kolchis. Thus he sets out on the most extraordinary journey on board the sturdy Argo, together with his fearless companions, the Argonauts. Read about the legendary heroes' breathtaking adventures in this captivating adaptation of Greek mythology by Sirmo Kapoutsi, vividly illustrated by Nestoras Xouris.

Jasón y los Argonautas

Διάπλαση (2019)

Para reivindicar su trono del usurpador, su tio Pelias, el joven Jason tiene que realizar una proeza imposible: ir a la lejana Colquida y traer el vellocino de oro. Asi empieza su viaje legendario a bordo de la gloriosa Argo, junto con sus companeros, los Argonautas. Embarcad y vosotros con el y vivid las aventuras fantasticas de los heroes intrepidos, en esta adaptacion fascinante por Sirmo Kaputsi, acompanada por las ilustraciones excepcionales de Nestoras Xuris.

La guerra de Troya

Διάπλαση (2019)

Una de las guerras mas famosas de todos los tiempos: la lucha de los griegos para conquistar Troya, que duro diez anos. Descubrid todos los episodios de este relato fantastico, la manzana de la discordia, la fuga de la Bella Helena, el sacrificio de Ifigenia, la ira de Aquiles, la muerte de Patroclo y de Hector, el caballo de Troya y muchos mas, en esta adaptacion fascinante por Sirmo Kaputsi, acompanada por las ilustraciones excepcionales de Nestoras Xuris.

Los doce dioses olímpicos

Διάπλαση (2019)

Teniendo como progenitores divinos a la intrigante Gaia, al desconfiado Urano, al insaciable Crono, a los todopoderosos Titanes y a los implacables gigantes Hecatonquiros, los dioses olimpicos dominaron tanto la imaginacion como el quehacer de los griegos antiguos. Descubrid los amores ilicitos de Zeus, los accesos de ira y celos de Hera, las astucias de Hermes, el valor y la sabiduria de Atenea, las desventuras de Ares y Afrodita y mucho mas, en esta adaptacion fascinante de la mitologia griega por Sirmo Kaputsi, acompanada por las ilustraciones excepcionales de Nestoras X...


Διάπλαση (2018)

Fed up with the successive wars that keep men away from their homes, strong-willed Athenian Lysistrata assembles women from the major Greek city-states and tells them of her plan to reinstate peace once and for all. The women agree to stop serving their husbands and head home. Then the Athenian women take over the city's treasury in the Acropolis, determined not to back down until they get what they're asking for, that is the end of all wars. Do they even stand a chance to win this battle?


Διάπλαση (2019)

Tras la caida de Troya, Odiseo, el verdadero autor de la victoria definitiva de los griegos, sale para su isla amada, Itaca, donde llegara despues de diez anos; diez anos de lucha incesante contra dioses vengativos, monstruos repugnantes, sirenas asesinas, gigantes terribles y bellas mujeres insidiosas, contra la codicia y la insensatez de sus companeros, contra sus propias debilidades. Seguireis sin aliento este relato fantastico, en esta adaptacion fascinante por Sirmo Kaputsi, acompanada por las ilustraciones excepcionales de Nestoras Xuris.

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