Βρεττού Τζώρτζια

Όταν η σαμπάνια ξεχειλίζει

Όστρια Βιβλίο (2018)

When the champagne overflows

Όστρια Βιβλίο (2020)

Emily, a beautiful cultured girl, having completed her studies in Switzerland, returns to Athens in order to begin her professional career. Being smart and confident but stifled by her family, she dreams of her independence. She begins her career in a big publishing company, where her course is excellent since her first steps. In an important company gala she meets Michalis. He is everything a young girl would dream of: handsome, gentle, jocose but mysterious. Being from a rich family, he courts her unmercifully: glow and love that blind. Frustrations follow one another....

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