Warner Rex

On the Greek Style

Denise Harvey (2000)

Τhis is the first collection of the essays of George Seferis to be published in English. The selection was made by Seferis himself, drawing upon his prose work written over a period of thirty years. Seferis was a classicist and a humanist, a man of modern sensibility imbued with a deep respect for Mediterranean tradition. He is present iη all these aspects in his essays. When he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1963, the citation spoke of "his eminent lyrical writings inspired by a deep feeling for the Hellenic world of culture". Hellenism for Seferis is an end...

Greece in Poetry

Libro (2003)

To visit Greece according to T.S. Eliot, is "to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time". Poetry written in Greek constitutes the longest uninterrupted literary tradition in the Western world. It is Greek poetry that has given the world the various poetic genres in which Westerners have expressed their emotions and many of their noblest thoughts to the present day. In this book, the reader is invited to discover -or rediscover- Greece through its poetry, and to enter into the world from which have emerged those ideals of democracy, reason, and free...

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