Dubert Thierry P.

Primary Care of Complex Injuries of the Hand and Wrist

Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Κωνσταντάρας (2010)

Our Federation is consolidated through a process of maturation, which is substantially founded upon the quality and number of contributions of the member nations. Such a contribution is brought, keeping each specific cultural makeup, within a common language and in the interest of a shared cultural and operational purpose. The 2010 Bucharest Instructional Course clearly expresses this assumption: it updates, with its innovative and comprehensive approach, a subject which is of daily interest for most of us; it collects, involving a large number of authors, the contrib...

Primary Care of Complex Injuries of the Hand and Wrist

Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Κωνσταντάρας (2010)

Our Federation is consolidated through a process of maturation, which is substantially founded upon the quality and number of contributions of the member nations. Such a contribution is brought, keeping each specific cultural makeup, within a common language and in the interest of a shared cultural and operational purpose. The 2010 Bucharest Instructional Course clearly expresses this assumption: it updates, with its innovative and comprehensive approach, a subject which is of daily interest for most of us; it collects, involving a large number of authors, the contrib...

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