Raffan John

A Hesychast from the Holy Mountain in the Heart of a City

Denise Harvey (2014)

Elder Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia (1906-1991), who was formally glorified as a saint by the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in November 2013, has long been acknowledged and recognized as a luminary and spiritual guide with the special grace of 'clear sight'. His life was particularly remarkable in that he lived it in both ascetic fastnesses and urban contexts. He left the world for Mount Athos at a young age and joined the Skete of Kavsokalyvia where, for seven years, under the guidance of the Elders Panteleimon and Ioannikios he lived a hesychastic life. It was t...

A Pilgrim's Guide

Ιερά Μονή Ζωοδόχου Πηγής - Χρυσοπηγής (2009)

Crete has the great blessing and equally great responsibility of being endowed with numerous ancient and revered monasteries. [...] This quide-book takes us along this historical path which commenced in the 16th century and which has been continued over the past thirty years with the present-day community which is creating the living contemporary history of the Monastery. [...] The Archbishop of Crete, Irenaeus

The Rider, the Steed, the Dragon

Denise Harvey (2016)

Lambros Kamperidis's study of Peris Ieremiadis is a work of therapy for our times. Not our modern introspection, but therapeia, the attending to and healing of wounds that sever the relationships between ourselves and others. This therapy is bodily, visceral, full of colour and of darkness. The death of his friend who spent his last creative energies painting variations of dragon-slaying Saint George on his regal horse triggers in Kamperidis an exuberant litany of associations, a delicate interlace linking pagan and Christian, Germanic and Greek, spiritual heroes and evil m...

Wounded by Love

Denise Harvey (2005)

Elder Porphyrios, a Greek monk and priest who died in 1991, stands in the long tradition of charismatic spiritual guides in the Eastern Church which continues from the apostolic age down to figures such as Saint Seraphim of Sarov and Staretz Silouan in modern times. In this book he tells the story of his life and, in simple, deeply reflected and profoundly wise words, he expounds the Christian faith for today. This book was compiled after his death from an archive of notes and recordings of his reminiscences, conversations and words of guidance, and was first published i...

Μακεδονίας νόμισμα

Alpha Bank (2009)

Το βιβλίο εκδόθηκε με την ευκαιρία της ομότιτλης εκθέσεως αρχαίων νομισμάτων απο τη Συλλογή της Alpha Bank στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Θεσσαλονίκης. Αναφέρεται στη νομισματοκοπία της Μακεδονίας, περιλαμβάνει φωτογραφίες 171 νομισμάτων και αναλυτικά επεξηγηματικά κείμενα.

Μιχάλης Μανουσάκης: Ο χώρος του χρόνου

Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη Χανίων (2011)

Η έκθεση του Μιχάλη Μανουσάκη "Ο χώρος του χρόνου" συνεχίζει κατά τρόπο ευκταίο το εκθεσιακό πρόγραμμα "Επέστρεφε", ως δεύτερη κατά σειρά παραγωγή, μετά την εναρκτήρια με τα θεατρικά κοστούμια και προσωπεία του Γιάννn Μετζικώφ. Σκοπός του προγράμματος είναι να παρουσιαστεί στη Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη Χανίων το εικαστικό έργο καλλιτεχνών, ήδη καταξιωμένων αλλά και νεώτερων, με καταγωγή και βιώματα από την Κρήτη. Ως μόττο αυτής της σειράς εκθέσεων προτάσσεται ο τίτλος του γνωστού ποιήματος του Κωνσταντίνου Καβάφη ("Επέστρεφε", 1912). Σαφώς αυτή η σύνθεση του αλεξανδρινού ποιητή...

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