Sherrard Philip 1922-1995

A Greek Quintet

A Greek Quintet

Denise Harvey
A Greek Quintet

A Greek Quintet

Denise Harvey
Charter of the Citizen of the World

Charter of the Citizen of the World

Ίδρυμα Γιάννη Κουτσοχέρα και Λένας Στρέφη-Κουτσοχέρα
Christianity and Eros

Christianity and Eros

Denise Harvey
Church, Papacy and Schism

Church, Papacy and Schism

Denise Harvey
Greece in Poetry

Greece in Poetry

Human Image

Human Image

Denise Harvey
Incorruptible Discourses

Incorruptible Discourses

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως"
Incorruptible Discourses

Incorruptible Discourses

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως"
Selected Poems

Selected Poems

Denise Harvey
The Corfu Years

The Corfu Years

Denise Harvey
The Greek East and the Latin West

The Greek East and the Latin West

Denise Harvey
The Marble Threshing Floor

The Marble Threshing Floor

Denise Harvey
The Poets' Voice

The Poets' Voice

Ίδρυμα της Βουλής των Ελλήνων
The Sacred in Life and Art

The Sacred in Life and Art

Denise Harvey
The Schoolmistress with the Golden Eyes

The Schoolmistress with the Golden Eyes

Ευσταθιάδης Group
The Wound of Greece

The Wound of Greece

Denise Harvey
This Dialectic of Blood and Light

This Dialectic of Blood and Light

Denise Harvey
Εισαγωγή στην ποίηση του Σεφέρη

Εισαγωγή στην ποίηση του Σεφέρη

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