Sherrard Philip 1922-1995

The Wound of Greece

Denise Harvey (1978)

Philip Sherrard in his introduction to this collection of his essays writes: "The Greece of the classical heritage and of the romantic philhellene has gone, and anyhow has always been irrelevant to the Greek situation. Greece is not and never has been a lost paradise or a haνen for tourists or an object of study , and those who approach her as if she were any of these will always fail to make any real contact with her. For to achieve this it is not enough to act in the manner of those who singly οr in droves are to be seen pouring exhaustively and exhaustingly over the G...

Incorruptible Discourses

Πνευματιστικός Όμιλος Αθηνών "Το Θείον Φως" (1985)

Great and known entities on Earth - holding also a high position in the White State - Socrates, Confucius, Plato, Plutarch, V. Hugo, Newton, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Pythagoras, Homer, Schiller, Goethe, Beethoven, to mention a few, "parade" in this unique work giving, posthumously, valuable lessons and uniting their voices for the message of the coming of a New World...A New, unquenchable Spring of Divine Light has been created, and the medium for this are the current texts. It will not be long until man - having been awakened - will stand worthy next to his Creator, carryin...

The Pursuit of Greece

Denise Harvey (1987)

Travellers, poets, artists, even scholars, still go to Greece iη search of something they feel that nο other Iand quite offers them. Partly nο doubt this is a by-product of the enormous prestige the world of ancient Greece acquired subsequent to the Renaissance; partly , too, it is due to the sheer physical beauty with which Greece presents one at practically every step. Even though the stereotype of classical Greece has now worn thin, and island after island, seashore village after seashore village, are overrun by the Iife-starved fugitives from the industrial wildernesses...

The Corfu Years

Denise Harvey (1988)

Edward Lear first visited Corfu in 1848 and the island seems to have made a deep impression οn him. At all events, he returned in 1855, after further travels in Greece, Albania, Egypt and elsewhere; and for the next years Corfu was to provide him with the nearest he got to at least a winter base until he finally settled at San Remo in 1870. Lear's Corfu years coincide with the last years of the British Protectorate (the Ionian Islands were ceded to Greece in 1864 ); and his letters and journals written οn Corfu, from which the text of this book is composed, form a commentar...

The Marble Threshing Floor

Denise Harvey (1992)

Since its emergence as an independent nation during the first decades οf the nineteenth century Greece has produced a succession οf poets οf whom any country would be proud. Their poetry has behind it the majestic and awe-inspiring worlds οf ancient Greece and Byzantium, as well as the centuries-old tradition οf folk-song and ballad; and each οf them has drawn upon this background in various ways. At the same time their imaginations have been enriched through contact with other European cultures. It is this fusion οf the local and the cosmopolitan that gives their poetry it...

Christianity and Eros

Denise Harvey (1995)

In spite of the fact that marriage is recognized as a sacrament by the Church, the attitude of Christian thought towards the sexual relationship and its spiritualizing potentialities has been in practice singularly limited and negative. From the start Christian authors have been ill at ease with the whole subject. Sexual activity tended to be seen as a sign of man's sinful and degenerate state and the modern Christian is taught tο distinguish between love in the New Testament sense -agape -and eros, and tο see eros as a debased form of agape, if not actuaIly opposed tο i...

Church, Papacy and Schism

Denise Harvey (1996)

The union of the churches is one of the crucial issues of our time. Yet it is often forgotten that any discussion about it must begin with an understanding of what the Church itself is. Before one can talk of healing the schism, one must know what lies at its root. This book focuses on such central questions. It is a unique and unprecedented contribution to the understanding of the different developments of the two major sections of the Christian Church, the Catholic and the Orthodox. [...]

Selected Poems

Denise Harvey (1996)

Angelos Sikelianos (1884-1951) is generally recognized as the most important Greek poet between Cavafy and Seferis. This selection, although first published by Princeton University Press nearly twenty years ago, still remains the only collection of his poetry in English in volume form. Both the English and Greek texts of this present edition have been emended. Included here are works from the full range of the poet's career and in his several voices -those of the lyricist, the narrator, the seer. The volume also offers samples of the poet's varied forms, from sonnets to lon...

The Schoolmistress with the Golden Eyes

Ευσταθιάδης Group (1998)

Η μαρτυρία του ποιητή

Ίνδικτος (1998)

Η Άλωση της Πόλης

Ακρίτας (1999)

A Greek Quintet

Denise Harvey (2000)

During this century the Greek world has produced a wealth of poetry that is as astonishing in its scope as it is in its vigour; and this anthology brings together a selection from the works of the five poets who may be said to take pride οf place in substantiating this achievement. Two of them (George Seferis and Odysseus Elytis) are Nobel Laureates, Cavafy is certainly one of the most ubiquitous poets of our times, the oracular grandeur of Angelos Sikelianos companions him with W. Β. Yeats, while Nikos Gatsos, less known outside Greece, is a fine lyrical poet and song writ...

A Greek Quintet

Denise Harvey (2000)

During this century the Greek world has produced a wealth of poetry that is as astonishing in its scope as it is in its vigour; and this anthology brings together a selection from the works of the five poets who may be said to take pride οf place in substantiating this achievement. Two of them (George Seferis and Odysseus Elytis) are Nobel Laureates, Cavafy is certainly one of the most ubiquitous poets of our times, the oracular grandeur of Angelos Sikelianos companions him with W. Β. Yeats, while Nikos Gatsos, less known outside Greece, is a fine lyrical poet and song writ...

Charter of the Citizen of the World

Ίδρυμα Γιάννη Κουτσοχέρα και Λένας Στρέφη-Κουτσοχέρα (2001)

Η Παγκόσμια Κίνηση του Πολίτη του Κόσμου ιδρύθηκε το 1971 στις Βρυξέλλες και αποτελεί την πνευματική παρακαταθήκη του ποιητή Γιάννη Κουτσοχέρα στην ανθρωπότητα. Έχοντας στο ενεργητικό του μακρούς αγώνες για εξασφάλιση ελευθερίας, τροφής και γνώσης για όλους, ο Γιάννης Κουτσοχέρας - ενόψει και του ότι η παγκοσμιοποίηση ακολουθεί λαθεμένη πορεία δόμησης, εξελισσόμενη σε ένα γιγαντούμενο οικονομικό κατακτητή της παγκόσμιας αγοράς με συνέπεια: να δημιουργείται ένα όλο και περισσότερο ευρυνόμενο δημοκρατικό έλλειμμα- ο Γιάννης Κουτσοχέρας με κύκλο σοφών (wise men) συνεργατών δημ...

The Greek East and the Latin West

Denise Harvey (2002)

Τhe division of Christendom into the Greek East and the Latin West has its origins far back in history but its consequences still affect Europe, and thus western civilization. Philip Sherrard's study seeks to indicate both the fundamental character and some of the consequences of this division. He points especially to the underlying metaphysical bases of Greek Christian thought, and contrasts them with those of the Latin West; he argues persuasively that the philosophical and even theological differences, remote as they might seem from practical affairs, are symptoms of a d...

Greece in Poetry

Libro (2003)

To visit Greece according to T.S. Eliot, is "to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time". Poetry written in Greek constitutes the longest uninterrupted literary tradition in the Western world. It is Greek poetry that has given the world the various poetic genres in which Westerners have expressed their emotions and many of their noblest thoughts to the present day. In this book, the reader is invited to discover -or rediscover- Greece through its poetry, and to enter into the world from which have emerged those ideals of democracy, reason, and free...

The Sacred in Life and Art

Denise Harvey (2004)

We are becoming increasingly aware that the forms of our life and art - of our modern civilization generally - have over the last few centuries been characterized by the progressive loss of precisely that sense which gives virtually all other civilizations and cultures of the world their undying lustre and significance: the sense of the sacred. In fact, the concept of a completely profane world - of a cosmos wholly desacralized - is a fairly recent invention of the western mind, and only now are we beginning to realize the apalling consequences of trying to order and mould...

Human Image

Denise Harvey (2004)

It is now only too evident that the revolutionary changes in mental outlook that took place in western Christendom some three or four centuries ago, and that produced the modern scientific movement, are the major cause of the crisis in which the world finds itself today. Yet the terrifying consequences of the practical exploration of modern science are usually attributed not to modern science as such -and still less to the mental picture of the universe which it presupposes- but simply to its misapplication and abuse. We are even told, with a naivety that is as inconsequent...

Θάνατος και Ανάσταση της ιερής κοσμολογίας

Εν πλω (2008)

"...Το πώς βλέπουμε τον κόσμο συναρτάται από το πώς βλέπουμε τον εαυτό μας. Το πρότυπό μας για το σύμπαν -το κοσμοείδωλο ή η κοσμοεικόνα μας- βασίζεται στο πρότυπο, στην εικόνα που έχουμε για τον εαυτό μας. Τούτο σημαίνει ότι, για να αντιμετωπίσουμε αποτελεσματικά την οικολογική κρίση, οφείλουμε να αλλάξουμε την κοσμοεικόνα μας, και αυτό σημαίνει με τη σειρά του ότι οφείλουμε να αλλάξουμε την εικόνα για τον εαυτό μας...". Ένα βιβλίο που αναδεικνύει τις παραδόσεις της ιερής κοσμολογίας και προτείνει διεξόδους αφύπνισης και πνευματικής ανάνηψης απέναντι στα σύγχρονα οικολ...

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