Edwards Paul


Leadercom (2002)

Kefalonia and Ithaca

Leadercom (2002)

Jason and the Argonauts

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2018)

Young, handsome and good-hearted - but also impulsive, Jason arrives in Iolcus determined to claim the throne that his uncle has stolen from his father. However, the wily Pelias first asks him to perform a deed that will take him on a long, mythical journey full of unbelievable adventures.

Homer's Odyssey

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2016)

In all the world, I never saw anything sweeter than my homeland. An odyssey is a journey full of countless adventures, fantastic places, battles with monsters and magical encounters, which can lead you astray and make you forget your goal. All this and more is described by Homer, who lived in Greece in the eighth century BCE in the first European work of literature.

Homer's Iliad

Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (2016)

The abduction of the beautiful Helen, wife of the King of Sparta, caused the ten-year Trojan War. Homer, who lived in Greece in the eighth century BCE, describes the thrilling events of the last year of the war. The Iliad and The Odyssey are the first European works of literature.

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